This broadcast celebrates the virgo new moon. The closest supermoon of the year 2019 & the time when luna's energies are most energetically powerful for our planet. I go into some detail about the number of signs we have in earth and in virgo energies, but want to share here more about the sign of virgo being a reflection of the Virgin Goddess.
The virgin goddess is the sign of the Great Cosmic Mother, the Goddess Herself.
Virgo imagery, as well as that of the Virgin Goddess include that of a young maiden. This young maiden is the representation of the Goddess as Virgin, but not in the Christian meaning of chaste.. The Great Mother Goddess is the Universe, she Mother Nature who creates life within herself. She is virgin. That is the original meaning behind the word. In ancient Greece, a virgin or “parthenos” was a woman who was bound to no-one else. She was free and independent .. she was a woman unto herself. Throughout the ancient world virgins were the Priestesses of the Goddess, their main focus life was not motherhood but rather the search for truth and knowledge. I offer here that Virgo and the Virgin Goddess speak to and through men and women, inviting us to become individuals unto ourselves. Those who feel they are wisdom carriers in past life times, and remembering so in this lifetime, are often guided and protectedly this energy. Also, if you have children you are invited to come along as well, as these energies now support a much broader "remembering" on our planet. Perhaps consider simply how you can be true unto yourself.. Virgo invites us to be this true in everything we say, think and do.
During the meditation and activation, I invite you imagine yourself in the midst of the Great Pyramid at Giza. This sacred structure was an energetic device, Uranian "new technology", where Egyptians were able to harness the power of the earth, moon and stars for information and upgrades. I guide us on a very simple activation to receive information we need for this new supermoon energy, and it is super helpful to know exactly where the kings and queen's chambers are situated within the great pyramid. Enjoy and be blessed :)
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AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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