The end of October marks the beginning of a truly transformational time for us. I've mentioned previously that the end of 2023 will bring pivotal and powerful moments. We are likely to see a few of these unfold in beautiful, surprising and miraculous ways around this eclipse.
The energetics and astrology support this: we have not only a new moon in the sign of Scorpio, but this new moon is a Solar Eclipse! This means big new beginnings and permanent changes. The Sun and Moon are conjunct Venus in Scorpio which is helping to bring a balanced bigger picture to our transformation. These are in opposition to Uranus and Taurus ultimately reminding us to stay connected to Gaia and that we ARE the change makers and transformers! Ultimately we are the answers to the problems and questions that we seek. I discuss in full detail the astrological and numerological energies in my podcast above, as well as provide a brief snapshot in the YouTube video linked at the end of this post. ![]()
What I want to share with you next is information about Mary Magdalene and why she is a powerful source of inspiration during these transformational times.
The Venus star point activation which happens just a couple days before this eclipse on October 22nd is 200% about divine feminine energy and supporting us in rebalancing the divine masculine and feminine. Mary Magdalene, as the companion to send a master Jesus, knows inherently how to hold divine masculine and divine feminine imbalance. She is the embodiment of the divine feminine while he is the embodiment of the divine masculine. It is interesting to know that in the Bible as we read it today she is mentioned otherwise. An example in Luke 8:2 tells describes her as possessed:"..and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out." Nevertheless and also in the Bible she is the first person to "find" that he has been resurrected. Many who have looked at hidden texts and received channel information understand that Mary Magdalene went through the same rite of passage that Jesus did. She was responsible for supporting him through the crucifixion and helping him resurrect and ascend. This makes perfect sense as we are coming to understand that without divine feminine, divine masculine is rendered inert; and without divine masculine divine feminine is similarly situated. Mary Magdalene's message for us is less about injustice and more about embodiment. She is letting us know that despite all the chaos and the injustice, everything is always in divine order and the most potent thing that we can do right now is to harness the power of our embodiment as energetic creators. I offer a meditation to support us in connecting with her in the podcast above I hope that you enjoy it! Finally, below is a link to my newly published Lunar Herbal Alchemy Journal and Calendar for 2023. You can find more information and images of the offering by clicking this link as well as the image below.
The October 9th full moon sets into motion the energies of the eclipse season for the end of 2022. We've been sensing that we live in tremendously potent and transformational times, we will likely start to see some of this work its way from higher dimensions into our 3d world. Put another way, things are shifting rapidly at the end of this year!
Our job is to be diligent, resilient, confident and centered. This full moon is in Aries, opposite sun in Libra. I discuss the astrological aspects at length in the podcast and add the addition of two lesser known stellar beings: Sirius and Pallas. (Sirius is a star and Pallas is considered an asteroid.) These two are together at 14 degrees of Cancer squaring both our sun and la luna. This is a unique placement that supports us in receiving downloads and magical upgrades as to our confidence, love and connection with our true nature: that of being a powerful creator. Sirius (in my understanding) is the central Sun to our Sun, gathering energy and information from the Galactic Center and filtering it for our Sun to in turn filter and beam in a manner optimal for us to absorb it. I discuss inthe podcast that squaring is an energy of conflict or friction to raise the bar; it can also feel like "break down to break through" energy. Squaring with Sirius poses the potential for new realizations around this full moon. Likely around how much we've been playing it small or living in fear. This is perfectly coupled with the energy of Pallas, together with Sirius, exact to the same degree! I discuss her myth and legend in the podcast, she was a childhood dear friend to Goddess Athena, who died by accident of Athena's hand (as a result of Zeus' actions). Athena felt so much of a need to make things right she created what is known as the Palladium, in Pallas' honor. The Palladium is a wooden figure/statue of Pallas adorned with the Zeus' Aegis. Zeus himself used the Aegis for acts of magic and protection. Placed on the effigy of Pallas, the Palladium became a source of profound protection and sovereignty. I mention in the podcast and youtube video that the Trojans, Greeks, Romans and other civilizations sought out and utilized their time with the Palladium to reign powerfully and securely. What's interesting about the Palladium is that it arrives for us on the heels of the Arc of the Covenant (previous new mon podcast here). Both of these objects have something rare and profound in common: they were sought and used for the purposes of gaining sovereignty and power. I offer here, just as I did with the Ark of the Covenant, that the Palladium is something that transcends a physical object, it can be accessed in the astral realm by those seeking to work with light for sovereignty and protection. The mediation in the podcast is one of many methods to connect with Goddess Pallas and her powerful effigy, the Palladium. ![]()
I want to also share a few more images related to the Palladium, the first is the image used for the podcast. This shows Goddess Nike (Goddess of victory) offering an egg to a snake entwined around a column that has the Palladium at its top, there is a soldier (presumably important figure) opposite her. It is interesting to consider all of the similarities of this energy with that of the previous eclipse cycle back in early 2022. Goddess Medusa was one of two snake goddesses who came through at that time. In many ways they are here once again, as this eclipse season closes the larger cycle of eclipses for this year.
The second image is of Athena's aegis, with Gorgon/Medusa creature. Note that I mispronounced Aegis in the podcast it sounds like "ee-jis".
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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