We have our second full moon in Aquarius on August 22nd. The first full moon occurred on July 22nd at 1 degree of Aquarius. 1 degree is known as a "critical point" in astrology. When a la luna is at the very beginning of a sign, she has moved into new territory (a new element and mode) and is in dialogue with that sign’s planetary ruler. In this case she was communicating with Uranus back in late July. I mention in the broadcast for this full moon that Uranus is now in retrograde for this second full moon. As such whatever new information we received about things to release during the last full moon is now under "review".
Furthermore, the full moon happening today, August 22nd falls at 29 degrees of Aquarius, the other "critical point" in astrology. Known as the anaretic degree or “degree of fate,” the final degree (29°) is often given a negative spin. Some astrologers feel that the querent can do nothing to affect the outcome; it’s simply too late to have control over a situation. I offer that is is simply a time to surrender and allow the energies present to support us in releasing all the things we truly need to let go of but somehow have not yet realized how to release. The key to this full moon is surrender, and a willingness to release control... for the highest good of all. ![]()
In the broadcast for this new moon, we have the energies of Hindu Goddess Durga. Known as the Great Mother, she is the goddess of justice, and strength who brings order, peace, calm and compassion to times and places where here is destruction and upheaval.
Durga’s myth, the Devi Mahatmya, dates to the 5th century CE and is an epic tale of the triumph of wisdom over ignorance. According to this myth Durga appeared when the gods were unable to subdue a demon who was threatening the entire world. Individually, the gods were unable to defeat the demon. They summoned Durga and gave her all their weapons. The battle went on and on, prolonged by the fact that Mahisha continually changed shapes. Finally, Durga was able to cut off his head as the demon emerged from a buffalo. In this scene, the struggle and violence of the combat between Goddess and demon is only subtly suggested. In the image at right, Durga stands victorious over the head of the buffalo, alluding to the famous story but focusing most of the viewers’ attention on the powerful goddess herself. (source KhanAcademy.com) Finally to share with you one of my all time favorite chants to invoke and connect with Goddess Durga: "Maa Durga". Maa, in Hindu is literally calling out to mother and invoking her energies. In this case we are calling our to the Great Mother Durga, as our own mother. I hope that you enjoy :)
We have a beautiful synchronous alignment with both the Leo new moon and the Lion's Gate converging on August 8th 2021.
New moons are always new energetic beginnings, this particular new moon is a beautiful and profound new beginning that is supported and energized by the Lion's Gate and White Lions from Sirius. I speak in the podcast about the Lion's Gate, as an event that happens every year on August 8th. This event was known by the ancient Egyptians as the signal of the rising star Sirius bringing its abundance each year with the flooding of the Nile River. The Nile was associated with life force energy and all things nourishing. No only did the Egyptians associate the Lions Gate with Sirius, the Shangaan tribe of South Africa has associate the actual physical white loins that inhabit their region as "sent from the stars". I offer it the podcast that they are quite possibly sent from Sirius. We have evidence from another ancient tribe in West Africa of ancient contact and understandings received from beings Sirius. Also this particular tribe saw the white lions as Children of the Sun God. I'v mentioned in previous podcasts my own understanding of Sirius as being linked to the Central Sun and the Galactic Center. ![]()
Awareness of the white lions of South Africa, was fairly recently brought to the west by a woman named Linda Tucker. I mention her book, "Mystery of the White Lions" where Linda has a potential near death experience with white lions and is saved by a Sangoma. Her quest for understanding and protecting these creatures since that time has given her the name "Keeper of the White Lions" from the Sangoma who saved her.
I discuss in the broadcast that these lions were hunted to extinction in the wild in the early 1990's. They continued to exist in hunting camps where they were bred to be killed. Tucker dedicated her life to the purpose of brining them back to living safe and free in their original homeland of Timbaviti. Timbaviti means "Blaze where star lions came down." Tucker started the Global White Lion Protection Trust which has successfully returned to their homeland several trapped lions to be killed. Linda and the Trust have also protected and nourished several new white lion families in the wild. You can find link to her foundation below.
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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