As we head into times of increasing shifts and upgrades there are a host of Ascended Masters who are available for us to connect with. I introduce three of them in the podcast above: Saint Germain, Serapis Bey, and Archangel Michael. What follow below is a bit more in-depth information about each, as well as artistic interpretations as to how they might appear to us today.
Saint Germain
Saint Germain was not a "Saint" as deemed by the Catholic Church, rather he was a man who was a royal count of the French region called "Saint-Germain." He was recorded to be born between 1690 and 1710 and his death is disputed
as many claim he faked his death so as to avoid public notice during that darker time. Saint Germain was an alchemist, a visionary, a psychic.. his friends claimed he made elixirs to keep him young.. and many reports told of him looking like a young man through is adult life. Saint Germain was said to have died in 1784, although as mentioned above there are reports of his appearance in Paris in 1835, in Milan in 1867 and in Egypt during Napoleon's campaign (Napoleon III kept a dossier on him.) Annie Besant said that she met the Count in 1896... Theosophist C. W. Leadbeater claimed to have met him in Rome in 1926... and Guy Ballard, whose pen name is Godre Ray King, wrote about meeting Saint-Germain at Mount Shasta, California, in the 1930s.
As always, I encourage you to check in and see what feels true for you. I offer that he was practicing ascension techniques during darker times, and was able to move in and out of his physical body. This is something that become possible the fifth dimension. As an Ascended Master for us today, Saint Germain is immediately reachable and once one encounters his presence, he often shows up before one thinks to ask.
Saint Germain brought through the practice of the Violet Flame of Transmutation & the "I AM Teachings". The Violet Flame, is a cool fire that does not burn, but like the fire that we know today it allows of instantaneous transmutation and upgrades. The "I AM Teachings" support us back to our original divine state and include phrase such as "I am by beloved I AM Presence" .. "I AM that I AM" ... and one that came through for me to share just after recording this broadcast is below: I AM Whole I AM Perfect I AM Strong I AM Powerful I AM Loving I AM Harmonious I AM Happy He is associated with the color violet and the jewel amethyst; he is also regarded as the "Master of the Seventh (violet) Ray". One of the places he is known to reside is within Mt. Shasta. Archangel Michael
Michael's name means "he who is like God" or "he who looks like God." Archangel Michael is a leader among archangels. This to many means that he not only leads the "archangels" but also the "angels". Angels, while not humans, have their own process of evolution or ascension. Michael is one who is termed to be the leader and advisor among all of the angels.
Each of the Archangels still has their own realm or area that they oversee and guide other angels to help humans. Archangels Michael is in charge of the order of angels known as "the Virtues," and he oversees the lightworker's life purpose. This is why he is so often mentioned in the ascension process her eon earth, as it is often the light works that awaken first, so as to lead the way and support humanity in this process. Michael works specifically with beliefs and behaviors that are "stuck" within humanity because of fear. He is able to support us as humans in overcoming our fears so that we can truly step into the light and purpose of our embodiment here in this lifetime. Archangel Michael supports us in listening to our inner voice, our intuition and the voice and guidance of our guides. He seen in the colors blue and purple and often works with Saint Germain to cleanse and uplift us along our path as we ask. Michael is also seen carrying a sword of blue light, to be used in protection of humanity from lower vibrations of fear. He uses the sword to sever unhealthy attachments; the light of the blue sword is such a high vibration that prevent lower vibrations cannot be near it. Archangel Michael is definitely someone to call on for help and support whenever you need it! Serapis Bey
Serapis Bey was originally an Egyptian god of the underworld named Serapis and/or Osiris-Serapis, where he was in charge of the ascension at the Temple of Luxor in Egypt. In present day, as Serapis Bey, he helps people work toward ascension through spiritual enlightenment. Serapis Bey motivates people towards full embodiment.. which means staying fully connected to our physical bodies, and feeling healthy, joyful and balanced during the changes and upgrades that are currently happening and have been prophesied.
In true spiritual guru form, Serapis Bey inspires, motivates, and provides hope for the future. He does so by supporting us in listening to our intuition and the guidance of our guides and the Universe. He gently reminds us that it is oh-so-necessary to take time each day to be still, and sit/be in silence. This quiet and meditative space is where we are able to cultivate our connection to our own inner voice as well as the voice of our guides and the Universe. Serapis Bey needs only to be invited, he's likely already working with you if you're reading this in some subtle but healthy and supportive way. He is able to help us remain connected to our mother earth while receiving new information & upgrades and while our planet goes through an immense shift. Just ask and he will be there to support you!
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I write to share two very special things with you: First, a practice recorded in the Redwoods to capture the healing and cleansing energies of the trees and waters. Ancient civilizations respected used both trees and water for their cleansing and nourishing properties, and more recently the Japanese culture has documented this with a practice called "Shenrin Yoku" ... which means "Forest Bathing."
When we pause to consider what Forest Bathing alludes to, it means the trees are literally washing us clean as we enter into their energy field. I have come to understand that each tree has this ability to cleanse us, and most all of the trees are able and choose to help humanity in this way, regardless of whether we realize it consciously or not. The energies in this recording will helpfully support you in feeling this cleanse! The Forest Bathing energies are complimented with fresh flowing stream water from a spring rain. All water carries information and the water in this stream is from a recent spring rainfall in an area that is now well watered ... you can hear and feel it joyously bubbling with life as it flows down to lower ground. Such a lovely combination for cleansing and energizing us along our journey. Second, I write to share the foreword of one of my favorite books The Hidden Life of Trees, by Peter Wholleben. (You can find the book in its entirety and purchase it here). The foreword to this groundbreaking and truly amazing book is written by Tim Flannery, here goes: "We read in fairy tales of trees with human faces, trees that can talk, and sometimes walk. This enchanted forest is the kind of place, I feel sure, that Peter Wholleben inhabits. His deep understanding of the lives of trees, reached through decades of careful observation and study, reveals a world so astonishing that if you read his book, I believe that forests will become magical places to you, too. One reason that many of us do not understand trees is that they live on a different time scale than us. One of the oldest trees on earth, a spruce in Sweden, is 9,500 years old. That's 115 times longer than the average human lifetime. Creatures with such a luxury of time on their hands can afford to take things at a leisurely pace. The electrical impulses that pass through the roots of trees, for example, are at the slow rate of 1/3 of an inch per second. But why, you might ask, do trees pass electrical impulses through their tissues at all? The answer is that trees need to communicate, and electrical impulses are just one of their many means of communication. Trees also use the senses of smell and taste for communication. If a giraffe starts eating on an African acacia, the tree releases a chemical into the air that signals that a threat is at hand. The chemical drifts through the air and reaches other trees, they "smell" it and are warned of the danger. Even before the giraffe reaches them, they begin producing toxic chemicals. Insect pests are dealt with slightly differently. The saliva of a leaf-eating insect can be "tasted" by the leaf being eaten. In response, the tree sends our a chemical signal that attracts predators that feed on that particular leaf-eating insect. Life in the slow lane is clearly not always dull. But the most astonishing thing about trees is how social they are. Trees in a forest care for each other, sometimes even going so far as to nourish the stump of a felled tree for centuries after it was cut down by feeding it sugars and other nutrients, and so keeping it alive. Only some stumps are thus nourished. Perhaps they are the parents of the trees that make up the forest of today. A tree's most important means of staying connected to other trees is a "wood wide web" of soil fungi that connects vegetation in an intimate network that allows the sharing of an enormous amount of information and goods. Scientific research aimed at understanding the astonishing abilities of this partnership between fungi and plant has only just begun. The reason trees share food and communicate is that they need each other. It takes a forest to create a microclimate suitable for tree growth and sustenance. So it's not surprising that that isolated trees have far shorter lives than those living connected together in forests. Perhaps the saddest plants of all are those that we have enslaved in our agricultural system. They seem to have lost the ability to communicate, and, as Wholleben says, are isolated by their silence. "Perhaps farmers can learn from the forests and breed a little more wildness back into their grain and their potatoes," he advocates, "so that they'll be more talkative in the future."
What is Energetic Integrity? I offer one way to begin to understand this concept: Energetic Clarity. This means being able to see and understand one's own energy clearly, as well as the energy of one's environment. This, like many of humanity's forgotten abilities, is something in theory available to all. All that is required is intention and attention, or placing our consciousness there, so as to be able to sense, feel, understand and know the energy within and around us. It likely might take some practice to be able to see and feel clearly, but that is the case with most things here on our planet. We likely need to build some neural wiring and gain experience so that we can fully understand.
I offer in the podcast today that Energetic Integrity is our path towards highest good for ourselves and for all. Seeing energy clearly allows us to orient and re-orient ourselves as needed to keep ourselves shining brightly. Whether we see or sense the energy within or around us, it is also worth noting that everything is a mirror, or an extension of ourselves. So in the end it doesn't really matter whether it comes from without or within. It matters that we can see and feel energy clearly. Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, so the external world is always simply a reflection of our own internal state of being. When we accept that good is the natural way of the Universe, then we immediately know that we can each choose to orient ourselves towards this path. This wellbeing and goodness is also our birthright, as much as is seeing and feeling and understanding energy with clarity. I offer in the podcast above a meditation/exercise to support us in strengthening our ability to sense and see and understand our own energy and the energy of our world. Blessings and Love, Lisa
Today I got the message (to share) that the Universe/ our guides/ higher self really just want to encourage us. There is so much shifting rapidly right now on on planet, it can feel a little bit unsettling at times. This message to "Keep Going" means, regardless of external world occurrences, to continue on our soul's path.
We are each here for a specific and special purpose, at that purpose is coming to light now. Whether it be physical discomfort that forcing a change, or an external circumstance that seems to be encouraging one particular direction, or an intuitive inkling that feels fun and inspiring to follow.. all of this is the guiding hand of the Universe/ our guides/ higher self. What's new right now is that while there isn't necessarily urgency per-se, there is a heightened sense of energetic integrity. I will get to this in a future podcast, but what's important to note is the sense of alignment and flow that you feel with everything. As I like to say, "Get your feelers out" .. and allow yourself to truly sense the energy of everything in your life. Sense what and who feels enlivening and empowering, sense and feel what and who does not. You have the ability to let your inner sense be your guide. Now is the time to step into trusting yourself, trusting your own inner knowing. And, Keep Going!
We're one day into "Gemini Season".. a term loosely used for the time the sun spends each year in third sign, Gemini. There is so much more to explore this year specifically as we prepare for 2020 and continue on our path of awakening, integration and ascension.
Specifically, this year we have the potent energies of Sirius, the central sun to our own Sun.. downloading onto earth. I've mentioned earlier that Sirius and the Sun are together inextricably linked to our own awakening and the awakening of our planet. (You can read more about this in my Cosmic Time Keeper). This is significant as we've just had a massive influx of light and information from the solar storms and flares. I see the information and light as seeding and staying here on our planet for those who feel called to integrate and acclimate to the new lighter energies for our future. This means that the solar storms of last week were not a singular event that passes with time and is over. Those energies are now here and present on our planet, and what's powerful is that they are supporting us in getting used to more light and higher vibrations. This is just the beginning. Think of it as moving to a new country.. with a new altitude.. you get to learn a new language as well as adjust your physical body to a new level of oxygen... totally do-able.. but this process takes some time for integration! The podcast linked with this post (above) contains a breathing exercise to support the integration of these energies. I also integrate the meaning and importance of Gemini season.. this year in particular for letting go of patterns of thought and allowing for the Universe to open the path for us. Gemini is always about communication.. this year the emphasis moves beyond interpersonal to focus on our communication with the Cosmos. Enjoy!
Mid May (and likely all of May :) we have a beautiful juxtaposition between the beauty of our physical world and being called to dig deeply for our own inner purpose, personal knowing and unique path.
Much of this "inner world work" is inspired by the combination of the full moon in Scorpio and massive uptick in solar flare and solar storm activity. Luna herself is the receptive feminine hidden self. When she is in the sign of Scorpio, she's poised for deep introspection & inner-world of knowing and receiving information. When Luna is full on May 18, the Sun is in Taurus, which is the sensual, material, pleasureful experience of the physical plane. Suffice to say these two are invoking a poetic and delicate balance between staying grounded and enjoying our physical reality and the calling to release, renew, remember the aspects of ourselves that may have been forgotten for many lifetimes. Luna reminds us that she herself is the realm of the unseen, together with Scorpio we are invited to stay in our bodies, but journey to places that have been hidden or buried underground. Our Sun is the active masculine side of ourselves. With its solar flare and solar storm activity it is beaming down new information, light codes, and upgrades for all of humanity at this time. Caveat; being aware and connected to this magical transmission fully supports one in successfully integrating all of this new energy and information. So while all of humanity is offered the upgrades, some will receive it subconsciously and integrate later, and those who are aware and open to present moment integration can hit the ground running :) This brings us to this beautiful juxtaposition I mentioned earlier. We live in a physical world and we have physical bodies.. AND we are currently fully supported in remembering who we truly are. This is very much in sync with the journey from the 3rd, to the 4th and 5th dimensions. Where we get to stay in our bodies and on our planet and enlighten. So the Sun is right now sending information about forgotten or unknown energetic aspects of our consciousness and intuition, as well as why our soul chose to incarnate at the specific moment in time on planet earth. There is nothing half-hearted about this month and these times. While the ante seems high, it is important to remember that the ultimate message that came through was: "There is nothing to do, Just Be." This means that all we are asked to do is presence ourselves, connect with our guides and sources of support, stay present, and ask for assistance. In truth there are a myriad of spirit beings simply waiting for us to actually simply ask. I hope this inspires you to breathe deeply and enjoy the unfolding! Also a link to my upcoming class on Dream work, Astral Travel & the 4th Dimension.
To all women & men everywhere, Happy Mother's Day. I write to revisit, review and rename this holiday.. as Goddess Day, so as to claim the full power that it offers.
Mother's Day is the only main-stream western holiday that specifically honors women. This holiday presents the opportunity for us to create a lovely balance between our collective history which celebrates a host of achievements by men, because men have most recently been those who 'hold power' and rebalance the Goddess power. Masculine and feminine energies in balance are oh so powerful. So this holiday, sets in motion a collective celebration of women.. of birthing.. of cycles of time.. and intuition and inner knowings and workings that women naturally embody. Ultimately, in my offering here, it is the celebration of Goddess energy of birthing. Something that every woman embodies, and every man also already holds inside himself. As we head down the path of reorganizing our collective consciousness to focus energy towards restoration and connectedness, Goddesses *must* rise up, and Goddesses must remember. Men and Gods intuitively hold space and celebrate this somewhat occult and in the past secret power. But for men and women alike, this information is no longer occult or secret... it is within every human being.. this too is part of our birthright as a species. The women on our planet embody it is our DNA it is at first blush in 3d easiest to see in women. Ultimately we realize that it is an aspect within every human being.. to claim your own full power is to connect with the Goddess energy. Guys, don't get too freaked out. There's a simple way to do this; connection to Momma Earth. Mother Earth is the ultimate 3d Goddess. She is the planet we call home, she miraculously supplies us with everything we need. Her beauty is vast and breathtaking. She is the one to whom we owe gratitude and blessings.. for supporting our every breath. And from here we extend this out to our own mothers, those to gave birth to us and all of those women who have supported us. Also to the men who have supported these women. You can start to feel the connectedness. That we are all One. We need each other and we support one another. To consider oneself an island is to cut oneself off from the flow of love that is coming from all directions in every moment. Back to mom's.. THANK YOU. For all that you do to support those you call your own, you have so much power. My hope one day is that you can truly realize and embody All of this power. Because it is sacred. Your role in supporting new life is sacred and it is my dream thane day you are able to fully embody all of this power. Giving birth is a miracle. To all women.. Rest firmly in your Goddess power. No matter whether you gave birth, you have the same power as every human being and you also hold the same wisdom and information of every women on this planet. Know that you are so very necessary. We need wise women even more than we need to increase our population on this Mother Earth. To all Men.. Thank you for supporting the women.. all women. Know that we are each ideally balanced in our divine masculine and feminine energies.. This time is a wonderful time to celebrate your ability to support women as well as to create! Together we can accomplish everything. Finally to Our Mother Earth and to the Divine Feminine: I honor you. Deep bow of gratitude for the air we breathe, the clean water we drink, the trees and plants that thrive off of your soil, the animals that roam majestically on your land. Deep connection to your core, Dear Mother, I can feel your heart pulse.. I live in sync with this pulse of energy and life. You are forever within my heart and I honor you.
I share below an extension of the first teaching and broadcast on the power of our heart center as a portal for sending and transforming energy.
Thank you for all of your feedback on the launch of YouTube. I will incorporate this feedback :)
Modern society surrounds us with information and cues that suggest we are superior to our ancestors. This post and the podcast it was inspired by have been created to balance and harmonize our tendency to spring forward into the future and seek more and newer and faster aspects of everything in our lives. You will find the podcast below. Enjoy!
Let's begin with the world as we know it today. Where we have been taught to believe only what we see. When we believe only what we see, then we see an enormous building in a large city or the features of the latest iPhone, and we think "progress". When we believe only what we see, then yes, these are some of the penultimate versions of "progress" available to humanity at present.
Enter the notion that our world, our bodies, and the universe are more expansive than we know, and that we have forgotten how to "see" and "feel" and "know" beyond our five senses. If you humor me for a moment with this notion of "remembering" our innate abilities, our own power, and the vastness of life that exists beyond the physical, then you'll immediately see why the latest iPhone can actually slow us down on our path to awakening. Why? because the bulk of our society and technology in general have a tremendous desensitizing effect. Think of the last time you want to see a movie, or even watched one at home. The action scenes and the music and the plot twists can be thrilling.. but then most movies in the mainstream are jockeying for a little bit more thrill, pop, surprise... As these achieve larger effects on people , they also reach into our field and affect our energy. Think now of the last time you saw a sports game on TV. The commercials, the music, the layers of story/drama and thrill of the game.. all get humanity excited and desensitized. This is part of what makes many people not want to simply go outside and listen to nature, or spend time taking a walk in the woods or meditating. I've been told by many that these things are initially tremendously boring. This is because all of the noise and thrill... essentially all of static is gone. Humanity has forgotten how to feel and see into the silence. The good new is now is the time to remember :) I'm about to get off my soapbox, but want to leave you with the notion that you are a highly energetically sensitive being... and to suggest that you can communicate telepathically without the use of a cell phone anytime you need. You can even see images and send images via your third eye, without your phone. I'm not saying to ditch your phone, I an suggesting to put it in its proper place and become interested/spend more time on your own abilities, wisdom and knowing. Finally, our need for speed. I'm not the first to suggest that we've become addicted to immediate gratification. This is part of the beauty of the internet and sites like Amazon where you can decide you want something and have at your doorstep in 2 hours. This too is a low bar for our innate abilities, as the universal laws do not require money nor time nor fossil fuels to pull things out of the ether and into the 3rd dimension. Again, not suggesting ditching the internet or Amazon, rather encouraging a focus on manifestation in its truest form. Which brings us to our need for speed, faster technology and car engines are a thrill... but they're actually the lesser in comparison to the Law of Right Timing and Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction tells us that when we are an energetic match to what we desire we attract it immediately. The path of personal development and awakening that the universe requires for us to attract and manifest what we want is something we will all be grateful for when we truly master our own fears and insecurities. These fears or false belief systems are what drive most to "want it now".. because quite honestly we're not sure it is actually going to happen. I need it now is mostly a fear or state of resistance, where rather than work through our insecurities and beliefs that don't actually serve our highest good, we'll take a bandaid of immediate pleasure or satisfaction. Phew! Please take all of this as simply my opinion (as well as everything that I offer). Ultimately you are the one who gets to decide for yourself what is true. I want to close and bring things full circle with Law of Right Timing. This is part of the wisdom transmission that comes from our ancestors and the wisdom keepers. The teaching, as I currently understand it shows us that we are all connected and that time does not have to be a linear, individual experience. Put another way, there is a collective consciousness that governs energies of our planet, and we are each a part of this. I often see us each as sovereign threads threads of light existing in a fabric that woven together. It follows that everything we are and do affects everything else, and that we are also affected by the collective. As the collective energies are raising the planet, some of our dreams and desires for the future are becoming more "energetically supported" or more possible .. which is why we can experience time as "speeding up". Some of what we dream and know for our future is ready for manifestation now, and the elders say the rest will be supported at the right time, when the collective is able to support it. This means that manifestation is both an individual (Law of Attraction) as well as a collective (Law of Right Timing) phenomenon. This is also why patience and perseverance, and trust and inner knowing are so important and powerful right now. Because we are literally seeding our future today. May you be blessed with love and inspiration to dream and believe in a brighter future. Much Love! Lisa |
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
September 2024
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