On May 26 2021 we have a total super moon, blood moon lunar eclipse. It will be visible to at 4.15 am pacific time to those in western North America and far southern South America, as well as for people watching from the Hawaiian Islands. For those in Australia, New Zealand, and parts of Southeast Asia it will be visible on the evening of the 26th.
This eclipse is the first of two eclipses this eclipse season. It sits in the middle of the eclipse portal and invites/asks us how much are we willing to let go? Eclipses are generally portals for transformation. As the earth moves between the light exchange of the sun and moon, those of us on earth receive an energetic reset with our direct alignment between these celestial bodies. Depending on our life path, the healing we have done thus far and our soul's purpose in this lifetime we can experience the energetic reset of this eclipse as a revelation of shifts and release in our belief systems, our behavior patterns and/or our emotional makeup. The most universal and simple guideline that is coming through for this particular eclipse is for us to be ready to let go of old thought patterns both personally and collectively. ![]()
In the broadcast for this event I share a primordial goddess, Nyx. Nyx is one of the few goddesses I have come across whose story and lore seem to have remained relatively empowered and sovereign through humanity's descent into darker ages. I mention in the broadcast that even the Greeks and Romans kept her powerful in their writings of her. She was the only goddess whom Zeus actually feared.
She is here with us during this eclipse to support our awakening and releasing energetic patterns that no longer serve. She reminds us of the deeply beautiful power that comes through her, which we always have access to. This power is made more accessible to us through the May 26th eclipse. It will continue to be more and more available as we collectively release our need to be beholding to the current reality of the 3d world, and return to our true work as creators, seeding light in the higher dimensions so as to create change here in the physical plane. ![]()
Nyx, figured in the background of several to many old world religious belief systems. Notably, the image to the left shows Nyx, as represented in the 10th-century Paris Psalter at the side of the Prophet Isaiah. The Paris Psalter is a Byzantine illuminated manuscript, a copy of the 150 Psalms of David, translated from Hebrew into demotic Greek.
It is interesting to consider that she may well have figured prominently on other potentially lost religious writings. As with everything in this body of work, take only what feels good and empowering for you!
This total lunar eclipse is quite special as it enables and supports us to leap forward in terms of our own personal transformation. The key to harnessing these energies is a willingness to let go and release. This might mean releasing behaviors or psychological patterns that no longer serve, it might also mean releasing relationships or connections to places and things. Surrender to spirit is penultimate right now.
I share below a ritual you can consider to practice and/or adapt to your needs. What you will need: - a white or golden candle - moonstone, bloodstone, jasper or agate that calls to you - pen and paper - bowl of water Light your candle and if you choose call in the four directions. Otherwise simply call in the energy of mother earth from below and spirit from above. Begin by sitting in a contemplative state, allow yourself to disconnect from the external 3d physical world. Direct that energy into your own internal awareness. Spend some time simply breathing, feeling your own life force energy pouring through your physical and energetic body. With your intuitive gaze turned inward, scan your field (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual) for any places or spaces where you feel heavy or blocked. For now simply observe. Return to your breath, and feel your heartbeat in your chest. Encourage and allow the breath and the energy from your heart to flow to the areas where you felt blocked. Write down using pen and paper any intentions for release during this eclipse. Bring your bowl of water close to the candle and one by one tear the intentions for release up and bring them to the candle fire. IMPORTANT to be aware of the strength of the flame and keep your fingers safe. drop the paper into the bowl of water when the flame gets close. Spend some time gazing at the bowl of water, ash and paper. Feel the process of transformation happening within you and send it out into the world around you. When you are ready declare to yourself and aloud to the universe: "And so it is." Take you moonstone or other stone between both hands and imagine that you are infusing with with these newly cleansed energies. Pour the ash filled water to nourish you favorite tree nearby. Gaze up at the moon and allow her to fill you with fresh light and revitalized energy. ![]()
This Taurus New moon opens the gateway for the forthcoming eclipse season. We have an eclipse within this lunar cycle on May 26th. For those of us in the northern hemisphere this will be a total lunar eclipse (ideally visible in the western parts of US, Canada and Mexico). We also have an annular solar eclipse on June 10th, visible in the western sates of US as well as Canada.
I will cover in future podcasts the intricacies of these eclipses, suffice to say that this new moon in Taurus is the portal opener for the forthcoming transformational eclipse season. New moons are new beginnings, and eclipses are times of intense transformation. This new moon will likely shed some light upon some deep seated patterns or subconscious patterns that are ready to be released. ![]()
In that vein, we have an avatar, Mary Magdalene, present to support us in these times. An avatar is simply a broad category for an ascended being. An "ascended being" a person who incarnated into physical form so as to help humanity as a whole evolve and ascend. The list of avatars is extensive and it includes Buddha, Jesus, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Mary Magdalene, Saint Germain, Serapis Bey.. along with many many others.
I mention in the broadcast about Mary Magdalene being the divine feminine compliment to Jesus, and how her lore has been shrouded and kept from us in the presentation of widely presented scriptural texts. I offer that she is written about in several "unpublished" chapters of scripture and is said to be the divine feminine counterpart to the ascended master Jesus. (As with everything, take only what feels good and right for you from these offerings).
If she was the divine feminine counterpart to the divine masculine Jesus, then Mary Magdalene certainly has some things to share with us now. Actually and ideally she is simply supporting us in remembering. I offer in the podcast that she has always been here, and will always be ere for us as the physical embodiment of divine feminine energy. |
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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