For the next months of time we have a series of retrogrades. Pluto is one of the longer retrograde‘s and it kicks off a retrograde season of sorts. (8 retrogrades through September!) This particular Pluto retrograde has tremendous potential for our transformation. Pluto is always a planet of transformation. It’s energies are the perfect antidote to keep ourselves and our planet and balance as we continue to walk the path of remembering who we truly are and all that we are capable of!
In this broadcast I was called to remind us of the powerful purpose that we serve to ground and invite light and information from the sun and meld it with light and information from the earth. It is our role as humans to do this. I believe this is not only our role, but that we are oh so needed right now to remember, to reawaken and to wake up. We are being called to awaken to the precise abilities that we already have: to the power of our heart and power of our consciousness. I hope that you get a very clear sense of the profound power of you as you participate in this global healing practice! I also hope that the closing practice of humming reminds you that you already have everything you need including nitric oxide to keep yourself able to protect yourself against viruses to keep your respiratory system healthy and vibrant. Cheers to a bright future and much more remembering! More information on the effect of humming production Nitric Oxide. More information on Nitric Oxide in fending off Covid-19.
Right now is potentially the most powerful time for us to remember and step into our full potential and power. Amidst the chaos we catch a glimpse of understanding the profoundness of the potential for our transformation. We remember that we are able to consciously choose every moment of every day, what we want to look at, how we want to feel, and what we want to believe. Now more than ever the simple practices, are able to offer us guidance and support. This broadcast shares an empowering perspective of the shifts and changes in our world.. The long and the sort of it it that now more than every we get to choose, to activate our power, to step into our full potential.
I also mentioned an offering on sleep. I have a heart based practice to help us fall to sleep more easily as well as a bit of information as to why a person might not be sleeping well, and how to remedy this. You can find this free information on the Heart Alchemy page here.
Do you ever wondered whether some of the things that you learned in school were actually true? I love this question. Because it invites us each to lean on our own inner knowing, to use our own sense of truth and energetic sense of"yes" as our Compass for what is real and what we want more of.
With this podcast I invite you to reconsider the myth of goddess Persephone. She is usually seen and really mostly written about in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. In this Hymn she is depicted as this helpless goddess who is snatched by Hades, the evil god of the underworld and who is also severely mourned by her mother. She is only rescued by her father when her mother brings famine upon the earth in her mourning. As the story goes, Zeus, Demeter's husband confesses that he gave Persephone’s hand to Hades in marriage He then goes about setting things right and worked an agreement out with Hades where his daughter would spend six months in underworld with Hades in six months above ground with her mother Demeter. Not only does a story depict women in a hapless and helpless right… Where Demeter is bringing famine to earth because she is so uncontrollably sad, and Persephone is helpless and in the clutches of an evil man. But it leaves Persephone completely devoid of any of her own sovereignty, personal power, freedom of choice, and ability to embody who she truly is. I believe all goddesses are here to remind us who we truly are, so in this podcast I present a new way of looking at the myth through the eyes of Persephone herself. I hope that you enjoy! ![]()
Kali, the Goddess of Destruction, is present with us now. I share in my podcast and IN5D video how she is far more than simply "destruction".. she is a motherly support of total transformation.
Kali craves all the aspects fo ourselves and our world that are heavy, frustrated, angry.. anything dark.. she's asking us if we are ready to give it to her right now. And what a better time than right now. ![]()
The more we can lighten and brighten, the easier we will be able to adjust to further changes inner future... Yes! Change is afoot.
If we consider Kali and Shiva as aspects of divine masculine and feminine, Kali is the dynamic aspect of transcendental reality, while Shiva is the silent aspect. Kali is all about change. In the podcast above and IN5D video linked here I share her legend as the conqueror of the demons of darkness.. the one who craves and lives off of our heaviness. She is the powerful aspect of divine feminine, in that she is uncontrollable, dark and yet also only supporting those who are working with the light. ![]()
Also, in the video and podcast I mention my new online course: Heart Alchemy.
I am happy to share that it is up and open for enrollment! We embark together April 22nd. If you join us at that time there will be three live video calls as well as an offering of a free online yoga practice and mediation practice. You can check out the video I made to share how to use our heart's for healing during coronavirus and the free pdf sharing some empowering and powerful information about the heart here. ![]()
Today we have a powerful super full moon in Libra. And now more than ever we are able to listen to the gentle undercurrent of the larger picture of events unfolding in our world. We likely can sense that we are each in need of some sort of rebalancing.. as well as the world at large is in need of rebalancing.
While everyone has their own unique "buttons" that are getting pushed right now, one theme that libra brings forth right now is that the world at large is in need of the divine feminine.. The powerful, truthful, brave, passionate part of every one of us that does what needs to be done when it needs to be done. Period. If we look closely at our lives, we're all in need to a little bit or a reorientation.. those things that we have been doing out of habit, "because that's the way its done" are all up for revision.. and the return of divine feminine energy. One way we get to return to divine feminine is return to our earth, cultivate a deeper relationship with her. Ask her what she needs from us right now. We also have the opportunity while at home to strengthen our bodies and gain wisdom of natural healing remedies. I have an upcoming course on Energetic Herbalism at the end of April. But in the wake of Coronavirus, I felt the nudge to share some empowering information on plants that we can use today to support our immune system and know they naturally have antiviral capabilities. You can find the pdf here. Be Well! ![]()
Welcome to Aries season 2020... the sign that lights the fire beneath and within us.. The initiator and the warrior is in the air.
Together with a powerful conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto on April 4th, we are being lit up and motivated to change. This can also feel a bit like we're being forced to change..mostly because of some stagnant or stuck energy that we're not completely aware of. The ultimate message is that all of what is unfolding will be for the highest good.. and right now we're in the midst.. Right now we are right in the middle.. So there's no end in sight just yet. But with this comes the opportunity.. to vision and to harness and claim our power for a bright future. In every moment we can choose to see the darkness or the light. This Jupiter Pluto conjunction is supporting us in death, rebirth and massive expansion. Potentially beyond what we've previously imagined possible. Yet, first as the 4/4/4 triple convergence indicates, we get to come to terms with our own foundations: First foundation: how we co-exist in society, Second foundation: how we exist and offer our own energy, Third foundation: how we co-exist with our mother earth. Each aspect of this tri-fold "foundation" has something to share with us right now. This broadcast provides a breath centered experience to help us open to receive the wisdom that is present within us. ![]()
Also, the IN5D free online gatherings will continue through the time we are called to stay in side and gather online. Join us this Saturday 10 am PST here.
Finally, I am birthing the most profound online class yet ~ Heart Alchemy. Slated to come live this month. A sneak peak and sign up for preview discount here.
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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