Now more than ever we are in the process of transformation. The good news (and yes there is good news)… is that for all the turbulence we sense in the world there is an equal amount of opportunity for upgrades… For moving from fear into love… For moving from heavy energies into light ones… For creating the changes that so many of us truly wish to see in our world.
This broadcast above is intended to support us in remembering how powerful we are and using the power of our heart to heal the world. I’ve also created a free daily affirmation meditation to support us in truly remembering and embodying Ourselves as powerful creators… The link for that free meditation is here. If I can share anything with you now… I am being guided to tell you that you are love… and that you have the ability not only to choose love over fear… but to transform heavier energies into lighter ones… I will be offering a course in the weeks to come on just that. You can sign up for more information here. Know that everything is unfolding in the optimal way at just the right time… Know that you are an important part of the shift and upgrades that are coming to our world… I am thrilled to share this lifetime with you.
As Saturn enters Aquarius we enter into a 'gestational phase' towards our ultimate rebirth in 2020. The first message is not to rush.. If you knew by the end of the year you could realize your deepest soul's desire.. What would you do today?
As I write, the answer for each of us is to stay inside and to be well :) Also, share the wellness... to share the joy... to share the good vibes and good news. While many of us can't quite imagine good news.. I am 100% certain that there is so much good news. We can already see the glimpses of it on the horizon... also there will be more heaviness which will call in more light and more good news. As light and dark are always ultimately in balance with each other. As I write, dark is paving the way for the light to expand.. I have so much to share about this.. I hope that you can join me on our weekly gatherings Saturdays 10am PST, we began on 3/21 and will continue for as long as is needed. Click the image below to get more information!
We are in such powerful times!
Now more than ever we have the opportunity to be the change we wish to see in the world. To Be Love. I offer a global heart transmutation practice in today's broadcast.. to fist support you in shining brightly and then to connect around the world (137 countries!) and thousands of people.. Know that all is well, and that now is the time to claim the power of your consciousness.. and to create the world you want to see. Not only do we get to choose what we los at in the media.. we get to choose how we feel... and love is among the highest vibrations on the planet. I also created a set of morning practices for you to review and try out. I find that how I begin my day positively impacts the rest of the day, you can find the PDF below and download it if you like!
A short post today, to share the podcast as well as a YouTube video that provides Simple practices to keep you healthy and vibrant!
Know that the most you take the time to feel well, to tell yourself that you are well.. that all is well.. the more that will be the case. You can find the YouTube below as well as a link to an upcoming course on Energetic Herbalism. I had it set to begin the end of April, but now feel called to roll it out end of March.
As I was meditating on how we can prepare to head into the powerful transition of Saturn moving its energy and consciousness from Capricorn into Aquarius.. I had the vision of timelocks.. In modern day properly spelled as time locks.
What do I mean by this phrase... Many of you have heard me talk abbot the relationship between our Sun and the Star Sirius (as the central sun to our sun, and Sirius as the sun our the final central sun which is the galactic center). That's a long sentence to be summed up as this: We live in a universe that is intimately interconnected and perfectly balanced.. we are not the only solar system.. there are many forces at play. Most notably right now the relationship between our sun and the star (or central sun) Sirius .. this relationship has most popularly come to be understood by the Yuga cycles in Hinduism.. although it existed in many ancient cultures. From this relationship ancient Vedic scholars came to understand the grand year, or the great cycle of time which took 24,000 years to complete.
This was also coined as "The Great Year" by Pluto.
Why is all of this relevant now? Because it is more relevant than ever.. Humanity is awakening... and we can come to understand that everything that is happening is a beautiful harmonistic part of that awakening.. This brings us to Saturn and the somewhat hidden understandings of Saturn's power. We often think of Saturn as karma or father or limitation.. Saturn is potentially var more vast and having been contained. I offer in the broadcast that Saturn is the modern conception of God, as per monotheistic religion. I encourage you to take me with your own grain of salt .... You are always ultimately your own guide.
I offer in the podcast a historical interpretation of "El".. the potential precursor to the god of the hebrews, muslims, and christians.. not because it is better only because it is older.. and I am always of the mind to see what came before what we know.
Before the monotheistic "one god" culture there way a polytheistic culture that saw all celestial bodies as deities.. The conversion to monotheism seems to me to begin around the origins of judaism and islam.. christianity being a more modern outcropping. Also, I first want to say that all of this is good! There is always and only humanity making it's way and searching for balance and truth. What is offered her is for your own intuitive interpretation:) Regardless, enjoy the broadcast and look forward to new things being unveiled!
We have a Super Full Moon in Virgo, powerfully calling out in us a deeper realization of our power as creators. Virgo is encouraging us to raise the bar or to raise our standards towards what we offer as creators. This means diving deeper into our understanding of everything we think, speak, believe and vibrate about.
This full moon provides support and courage to use our consciousness to Point our awareness NOW NOW NOW toward what our soul wants to create.. Where are you headed? The universe says DECIDE! I offer a mediation and practice to help us upgrade our vibrational offering to the Universe, as well as more information about all the astrological goings on. Three aspects I did not cover in the broadcast but which are very much in alignment with Manifestation and harnessing our power to create follow below: 1) We have three trines involving the Moon (in Virgo) , as well as Mars, Jupiter, Pluto & Saturn (all in Capricorn). These trines are very practical and supportive energies.. They encourage us to find something we want to create, shift, accomplish or achieve and show us the ways we can focus our awareness to manifest what we want. 2) We also have Chiron in Aries square to Nodal axis or North Node. Chiron is the wounded healer.. showing us or activating our inherent soul wound...while Aries is action, initiation and drive.. meanwhile the North Node is our soul's purpose and where we're headed.. Taken together this means it is time for us to gather our courage, be brave and take action so to move beyond our inherent would and take steps to realize our soul's purpose in this lifetime. 3) The Sun is in a tight conjunction to Neptune.. This opens the door for communication beyond our 3rd dimensional understandings ad ways.. we are supported in stepping into instantaneous manifestation and creation. This is the perfect link to a course I recently created called Quantum Co-creation. It is a three week, at your own pace, have the videos and material forever online at your fingertips for review and deeper levels of understanding. I've got a sneak peak of one of the models in week three of the course. The link is here and in the image below. I hope that you enjoy! |
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
September 2024
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