As I write today we have Saturn stationing direct, after a lengthly period in retrograde. For most of us in 2020, I'm sensing that Saturn, the planet of karma, discipline and limitations, is teaching patience.
Patience is one of the two words that came through during this broadcast. The energies of Aries full moon likely have us ready for action and almost feeling like that things have already been taking too long! Grateful, the antidote for feeling time pressure is here :) This Full Moon in Aries (Sun in Libra), together with the energies of Mars and Saturn (as discussed in the podcast) provide us with the perfect alignment remember Goddess Astarte. ![]()
Who is Goddess Astarte?
Astarte was a goddess honored in the Eastern Mediterranean area, before being renamed by the Greeks. Variants of the name “Astarte” can be found in the Phoenician, Hebrew, Egyptian and Etruscan languages. A deity of fertility and sexuality, Astarte eventually evolved into the Greek Aphrodite thanks to her role as a goddess of sexual love. Interestingly, in her earlier forms, she also appears as a warrior goddess, and eventually was celebrated as Artemis. The image to the right is a carving with rubys of Astarte in the Louvre, you can see her cow horns or lunar disc at her crown. Her hips are round to signal she is a fertility goddess. The stones placed in her eyes and at her navel (I believe) signal her power of seeing and knowing together with creating and birthing things into the physical plane. ![]()
Astarte was worshipped by Canaanites, Egyptians, Hebrews, Philistines, and Phoenicians, but who is she? In the tradition of West Semitic spirits Astarte means “the womb,” “the conceiving womb,” or “full womb” and is a title for the goddess Anat, but it may also be a title for other goddesses associated with fertility.
Astarte was connected with fertility, sexuality, and war/(which inner current times signals transformation, as I mention in the broadcast). Her symbols were the lion, the horse, the sphinx, the dove, and a star within a circle indicating the planet Venus. Pictorial representations often show her naked, as seen left Astarte first appears in Ancient Egypt beginning in the Eighteenth dynasty of Egypt along with other deities who were worshipped by northwest Semitic people. She was worshipped especially in her aspect of a warrior goddess, often paired with the goddess Anat.
Welcome to Libra Season, traditionally a calling in to balance and harmony; today we can sense this is needed more poignantly than ever.
So what to do? First unpack our cultural habit of needing to "do" something in order to make it better or resolve it. We need to Be. We are invited right now to remember simply how to Be... and to Choose to Be Balanced. Because. We get to remember that we are conscious vibrational beings, always every moment of every day sending out signals of what we pay attention to and what we want create. We have likely been conditioned away from this way of be-ing and knowing. So it feels a little bit like we are inhabiting a foreign land, at least at first. This is the "new country", this has the potential to be our new reality, for those of us who feel called toward a similar vibrational path, at least. It is bit of a fork in the road, being careened around by the media and trying to figure out what is actually "true" versus simply choosing to look within. Within is where we ultimately find everything we need and all offer answers. We are simply, right now, being invited to come home to our own internal knowing. Knowing of what? That we are at our core vibrational energetic beings. That we are powerful. That we create our reality. That we can and do create even moment of every day. ![]()
I mention in the podcast the link between Libra and Egyptian Goddess Ma’at. There's much to be share about Ma’at, I will keep it brief here.
Ma'at is the goddess of truth, justice, divine order, cosmic order and balance. She is depicted with wings of a vulture, her special animal, and the feather of truth in her headdress. She also carries an ankh, the key of life, and sometimes a scepter. Ma'at can be traced as far back as the Old Kingdom. She is the daughter of Ra, sometimes even referred to as the "eye of Ra." Her equivalent and husband is Thoth, and her opposite is her brother Set. The Goddess Ma'at was most cherished by the rulers of ancient Egypt, and most of them were referred to as "Beloved of Ma'at." Pharaohs would carry an effigy of Ma'at seated as a sign that he represented her regime. ![]()
When a person died, their soul was lead by Thoth, god of wisdom, into the Hall of Double Justice, to the presence of Osiris, Lord of the Dead, along with 42 Assessors, or Judges of Ma'at. The heart, which is a person's essence, would be weighed in the Scales of Justice against Ma'at's feather from her headdress. If the person had led a good life the heart would balance against the feather. If the person had committed one or more crimes against the divine rules, then it would weigh heavier and would be eaten by the goddess Ammut, thereby to die the eternal death. Those that balanced would be led by Ma'at to Osiris, and be permitted to join with the celestial goddesses and gods for all eternity. The Declaration of Innocence and the 42 rules, are written in the Book of the Dead. Ma'at ruled over all 3 worlds; even the gods had to obey her rulings.
September 2020 brings with it the invitation of transformation. September the number 9. In numerology the number 9 represents completion, in a cyclical sense; it's about the ending of one cycle and the potential it creates for another cycle to begin. The 9 in Numerology acts as an usher in this process of transition or transformation.
This September also ring with it the massage of larger cycles of completion which have been stirred up in 2020. We have a new moon on the 17th which is the first of three super new moons in a row, followed by a total solar eclipse on December 14 (solar eclipses always happen on new moons). So we're getting the invitation right now with this first super new moon to truly sense what it is that we want to create inner lives and our world.
Transformation is a bit of a double edged sword, we have to let go of something old in order to make space for the new. We must go through some kind of death process in order to be reborn. We are living in the times of transformation, in many ways it is easy to feel the death of old, the shifting of structures, and the need for rebirth. To help us in the process we have Lilith. Lilith is often known as "Black Moon Lilith".
In the words of Dr Bairavee: "Black Moon Lilith is the lunar (mean) apogee. It at the furthest possible point the Moon could be from the Earth, assuming a regular elliptical orbit. If we consider the planets at play, we see a point of hypothetical presence on the same plane as a line drawn through the center of the Earth and the Moon, if it was directly behind the Earth. The Moon itself has no light save for what it reflects from the Sun or what is refracted from the Earth’s own atmosphere. It gives no light to the Black Moon." In my mind Lilith has always represented the aspects of the unknown beyond our 3d world, the darkness that is present encompassing empty space that gives birth to all things new and light. Lilith exists beyond our physical world, and beyond the light that we can see with our physical eyes. In the broadcast I discuss how she has potentially been misrepresented in the past and held in a negative and fearful light. I share how the stories of her existence may point to her true power, which is ultimately our own true power. In my experience one of Lilith's most powerful messages is that she is us and we are her. Below I share two images that show Lilth. In the image on left she is the female linked to the serpent (kundalini) power in the Garden of Eden. In the image on right she is the unseen feminine energy experienced in the darkness of night coming from beyond the moon. ![]() ![]()
Right in sync with the intuitive, inward turning, sensitive energy of the Pisces Full Moon we have the reminder of the prophecy of the Elders of Uluru.
First, who are the Elders of Uluru? To answer this question it is helpful to look at the larger landscape of Aboriginal Australia. The Aboriginal people have been living on and cultivating the lands of what we in the modern world know as Australia since the beginning. They were here for centuries before European invasion in the 1800s. Across the country there were more than 500 Indigenous nations. Out of the 500 nations estimated to have lived here, there was over 260 distinct language groups and 800 dialects. In the Uluru region, the local tribe are named the Anangu people. Dating back more than 60,000 years, the Anangu culture has always been a vital part of Central Australian life. Anangu Tjukurpa teach that the landscape was formed as their ancestral beings moved across the barren land. I discuss in the broadcast about their understanding that Uluru was formed by ancestral beings during "the Dreaming." I also speak of the Prophecy, that relates very much to the times we live in today. Many believe that the time is coming on December 21 2020 (Winter Solstice for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere & Summer Solstice for the Aboriginal Elders and people in the Southern Hemisphere) for us to send our heart light and love to Uluru. The Prophecy tells us that it is a critical time. The Prophecy states that 200,000 conscious, bright, shining and awake human beings are needed to send their heart light and love to this place on our planet at that time. Uluru is known by many as one of a handful for sacred and powerful sites on our Earth. Among others are Glastonbury, Mt. Shasta, the Great Pyramid at Giza, and Maui Hawaii. Uluru is often referred to in modern times as the Solar Plexus chakra of our Earth. Regardless of all of this the Anangu people understand that only humans have the capacity needed to send light and love to this sacred place. As this podcast has always worked across time and space, I got the nudge for us to start to gather together for this purpose during this broadcast. The vision is that by the time December 21st 2020 comes to pass, we will have gathered in numbers beyond 200,000. I hope that you can join us!
Finally! My next online course begins September 9th 2020. It is a course in divination of all kinds, titled "Oracle You". You can find more information and the full curriculum here and by clicking the image below. I hope that you can join me on the journey.
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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