We have strong energies supporting us towards transformation right now. This "support" however may feel like we're being catapulted into the unknown.. as there is a strong T-square that takes over the entirety of the chart for this Leo Full Moon. We are essentially being challenged right now, in ways that are rely personal for our soul. As I discuss in the broad cast the challenge is actually a simple one, to simply keep going. To continue to beat the drum of the world we want to see, to vibrate and breathe and be the way we want to feel.. because it is our fee willed choice.
In general, astrological aspects show a dialogue between planetary principles/ energies, but the t-square configuration is a dynamic pattern that links and inter- locks these energies. By its very nature, a T-square ties up at least three houses in a chart, and if we take into account each leg’s rulership of other houses, this configuration can link even more. Have a look at the chart for this full moon below.
A T-square looks like a big triangle, it is formed when (at least) two planets in opposition (180°) both aspect a third planet by square (90°). This third planet, known as the focal planet or apex, is situated around the midpoint of the opposition.
Here we have the moon at the bottom of the chart opposing the sun at the top (Sun is conjunct Jupiter and Saturn). The moon and sun are both square to Uranus, Mars and Black Moon Lilith (which sits and the 9 o’clock point or ascendant of this chart.) The challenging nature of the opposition invites an awareness and balance of the planets involved. Ideally, there can be an integration of these seemingly conflicting parts. An opposition involves a polarity (in the case of the chart for this full moon we have Leo–Aquarius), and it’s important to understand the interplay between these signs. Leo rules the heart and is regal, self-confident, exuberant and committed. Aquarius rules the higher mind and is extroverted while fighting of a cause, seeking freedom and radical change/reform. The polarity presented here (remember polarity is an illusion in realms beyond the 3rd dimension!) is the refined regal nature of Leo and the other worldly nature of Aquarius. They aren’t necessarily that different but this opposition shows us the ways that each sign is unique. Both ends of this opposition are in square to the focal planet, in this case a bundle of conjoined planets (Mars, Uranus and Black Moon Lilith in Taurus). Squares appear as dynamic seeming obstructions along our path — they require effort in order to create something of value. Our greatest life accomplishments can be described by the nature of the planets in square to each other. At worst, they can seem like the hardest tests we face; we feel frustrated or paralyzed until we master them. With squares, we are invited to remember the nature of fear: it is simply a obstacle for us until we become present and simply choose to keep going on the path of our heart's desire.
Let's look into the meaning and symbolism of Uranus: the planet of transformation rebellion, intuition, freedom and innovation.
Uranus is likely unexpected energy. It contains the stuff that's been lingering all around us that has yet to congeal and pop itself into existence. As we witness Uranus so powerfully speaking in the astrology and cosmology of January 2021 we are invited to consider what it is that we ourselves might be ignoring/seeking as flip sides of the same coin. This January we have Uranus stationing direct 1/14 & Jupiter square Uranus exactly on 1/16. We also have Saturn square Uranus for much of 2021, though not exact. As I mention in the broadcast, squares typically speak of conflict. I would like to suggest here that this square is a "challenge" for us to meet with our higher selves and bring to light the world we want to see. Introspective Challenge to Create a New World! So the idea is two fold: first the we take responsibility for the embodiment of the change we want to see (no small task here folks! this will likely be an ongoing theme of 2012). And second that we endeavor to connect with those around the world who are feeling the same call. This is not a lighthearted call, it is a soul calling. We are being called to connect beyond ego, beyond self, beyond everything that we know as true... So as to seed a new bright future :) Finally I mention in the broadcast a you tube video I put together for the new moon this past week. You can find the video below.
I speak in the broadcast for January 8th about the significance of the number 108. It is worth noting that this sequence will be activated twice this year. First on January 8th, and once again on October 8th.
To understand the importance of this number it is helpful to take a step back and look at what we know in modern times as the "Fibonacci Sequence" The first 24 numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence are: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657. If we apply decimal parity to the Fibonacci sequence we find that there is a repeating series of 24 digits as seen here: (0), 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 4, 3, 7, 1, 8, 9, 8, 8, 7, 6, 4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 8, 1. If we add these 24 digits up, we get the number 108. 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 7 + 1 + 8 + 9 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 4 + 1 + 5 + 6 + 2 + 8 + 1 = 108 What’s amazing is that the 1.08 constant growth rate the nautilus uses to build its spiral shell involves the same pattern which repeats every 24 numbers in the Fibonacci sequence. Furthermore, the number 108 has significance with regards to the distance between the earth and the moon and between the earth and the sun. Check out the image below :)
There are a myriad of ways the number 108 arises, it is woven through Buddhist and Hindu culture, religion and esoteric thought:
- Each deity in Hinduism has 108 names, - In a prayer mala (used for mediation) there are 108 beads - Kathmandu is said to be the capital of Buddhism and there are exactly 108 images of Lord Buddha, erected in and around the place in reverence of the Buddhism deity. - All their holy writings in Tibet, as much as it is, have been divided into exactly 108 sacred books. Tibetan Buddhism also believes that there are 108 sins and 108 delusions of the mind. - In Buddhism, it is also believed that the road to nirvana is laden with exactly 108 temptations. So, every Buddhist has to overcome 108 earthly temptations to achieve nirvana. 108 was also used in the construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza and the Sarsen Circle Stonehenge has a diameter of 108 feet.
On the Shri Yantra there are marmas (points) where three lines intersect, and there are 54 such intersections. Each intersection has masculine and feminine qualities, which represent Shiva and Shakti. 54 x 2 equals 108. Thus, there are 108 points that define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body.
I mention in the broadcast how the significance of the number 108 points us to a greater type of intelligence and universal unfolding. Sacred geometry invites brings us toward this realization as well. When we consider that there is so much more order and precision in the universe than that which we are aware of.. that even with the number 108 we are barely scratching the surface of divine intelligence.
I mention also that there are many who have alluded to some similar realization. Albert Einstein, as quoted in the image above... Nikola Tesla who said "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe." Many others have alluded to the need for a multidimensional awakening, Gandhi, Laszlo, the Dali Lama, Krishnamurti, Howard Zinn... harmonize with Tesla and Einstein to suggest and state that given the current direction of our collective on this planet, we need to reach for something that is beyond our current reality. I offer in the broadcast that the sis beyond the 3rd dimensional world of physical things and fear. All of these thinkers and leaders suggest we need to reach of a dimensional shift of who and how we are. I offer in the broadcast that this is linked to our realization that we can exist in multiple dimensions simultaneously. That we are being invited and cajoled step into existing in 4d (duality and astral creation) as well as 5d (oneness).
I mention the idea of aliens as "star beings" .. simply beings from the stars who are here in support of our awakening, but who cannot intervene. It is humanity that must shift and awaken. Noone can do this for us.
To the right is the crop circle which appeared in 2002 in Crabwood UK. While there are certainly many fake crop circle out there, dousers have tested this site and found it "off the charts" in terms of the way pendulums and dousing rods interact with it. As with everything, take only what feels true for you, leave the rest and conjecture :) Below is a video from David Flynn talking about sacred geometry and the 2002 Crabwood crop circle. Enjoy! |
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