We have a beautiful full moon in the heart centered, noble, & regal sign of Leo on January 25 2024. This full moon is the first of a series of full moons with both the sun and moon opposing each other at 5 degrees of their sign, signaling that a key to working with lunar energies at the beginning of 2024 is a deeper understanding and alignment with the energetics of number 5.
In numerology the 5 energetic is independent, imaginative, unpredictable, always in motion, and constantly in search of change. ![]()
5 energy is very comfortable with change, as the ever flowing five pointed star/pentagram suggests in the form of the vitruvian woman: We are always flowing energy, we are always new, we are always invigorated and nourished as well as protected. This syncs up perfectly with the herb for this cycle of time: Sage. (I discuss this in depth in the Lunar Herbal Alchemy Circle). Sage is uplifting, invigorating as well as cleansing and protecting. It is a wisdom plant reminding us of our wisdom and knowledge in past lives and other dimensions.
It is also worthwhile to consider the alternative use of the word: a sage is someone who is a wise elder in a community. This invites and supports a deeper understanding of the ever flowing nature of the cycles of time and the universe. 5 also brings the energy of expansion, supporting us in gaining more freedom to become who and what our soul knows we are here to be: AKA SHINE BRIGHTLY! Shining our light is not only our birthright, it is at this juncture also our responsibility! To be as big and bright as we are truly meant to be! ![]()
I remind us in the podcast that on January 20th we have the Sun and Pluto conjunct followed by Pluto moving out of Capricorn and into Aquarius on the 21st. These energies are of a frequency we likely have not experienced yet in this lifetime. This is because Pluto has a 248 year orbit around our sun and only exited Capricorn and entered Aquarius around the time of 1776 to 1778. Those dates might ring a bell as they were during the time of the American and French revolutions, among many other things. I am offering a free preview event on the 21st: Pluto in Aquarius 2024 to give folks a sense of the offerings of my new lunar cycle circle: the Lunar Herbal Alchemy Circle. You can sign up for my email list to be notified about the zoom links and receive recordings here.
What is perhaps most notable about this Leo full moon is that both Luna in Leo and the sun in Aquarius are square to Jupiter in Taurus. This means we're going to have the opportunity for a few similar but also unique realizations around this time:
- Downloads and deeper understandings of our connection to everyone and everything. These will likely come in two forms: - New visions of our connection to higher dimensions, - Visceral understandings (as in, in the 3d physical world) of ourselves as immensely powerful energetic and creative beings. How do we navigate these opportunities optimally, I offer a mediation in the podcast as well as an age old Hindu mantra: Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu Translating loosely into: May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all. I say "loosely" because there are several ways to articulate in modern english what these words convey in Sanskrit: lokah: location, realm, all universes existing now. (Suggesting that we can be anywhere and reminds us of the power of being present in each moment) samastah: all beings sharing that same location. (Invoking and expands on the notions of unity consciousness, oneness, the universal field of infinite intelligence) sukhino: centered in happiness and joy, free from suffering (Centering our focus and vibration on the feelings of freedom, love, expansion and joy.) bhav: the divine mood or state of unified existence (Again invoking oneness, but this time in the notion of the power of the collective to create.) antu: may it be so, it must be so (Used as an ending here transforms this mantra into a powerful pledge) I hope that you enjoy the podcast, and if you feel called sign up for my email list and consider joining theLunar Herbal Alchemy Circle for new and full moon gatherings, as well as astrological and herbal insights and offerings throughout 2024!
I am writing this blog post. few days before the new moon, as I want to extend an invitation to the Lunar Herbal Alchemy 1|08 gathering (January 8th at 11 am PST). Simply join my email list and I will send you a link!
Now, let's get onto the real deal; the astrology for this new moon reminds us that we live in the midst of profound shifts and changes. Pluto moving from Capricorn into Aquarius is absolutely a sign of the times. Interestingly the metaphor for how this unfolds translates well, because it's not a hard and fast stop/start; it's rather a dance, a dance of energetics. Pluto was in Capricorn from roughly 2008 until 2023/24. Pluto entered into Aquarius for the first time on March 23 2023, where it stayed into June 11 2023. It's next visit into Aquarius begins during this lunar cycle: on January 21st! Pluto will be in Aquarius this year from January 21 through September 2, from there it will dip back into Capricorn one final time September 2 - November 19, and ultimately on November 19th 2024 Pluto will fully enter into Aquarius. Pluto spends roughly 20 years in each astrological sign so it will be in Aquarius until 2043!! We have a potent dose of Capricornian energy with this full moon: the Sun, Moon, Pluto, Ixion, Mar, Pholus & Quaoar are all in the sign of Capricorn. We also have the energetic of Mercury conjunct the Galactic Center and trine Jupiter in Taurus. I spend some time on this in the podcast so I'll skip it here. Instead focus on the things I told you I would tell you more about in the blog: 1) Link to Revivalists "God Old Days" Video 2) Join my email list to gain access to free preview group gatherings here. 3) Link to join Lunar Herbal Alchemy collective- and ongoing lunar circle, with live group calls, emails, rituals and herbs here. Finally if you are not able to join the live gathering on January 8th, keep an eye out for another free/preview gathering for the Lunar Herbal Alchemy Circle on January 21st. We will explore the astrology of the annual Sun Pluto conjunction as well as Pluto's shift into the sign of Aquarius.
This podcast offers a quick look into the Lunar Herbal Alchemy Circle: an ongoing series of gatherings with the new and full moons, as well as significant astrological alignments, solstices, equinoxes.
We meet 2 - 4 times a month, there is always supported space to share and co-create as well as several herbal offerings in sync with each lunar cycle. The link to check it out and join us is here: everything-is-energy.teachable.com/p/lunar-herbal-alchemy-circle I hope to see you there soon! |
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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