As Neptune stations direct on November 29 and the the Full Moon in Pisces on November 30th is eclipsed we have the opportunity for energetic rebirth.
This Penumbral Lunar Eclipse means that the moon moves into the Earth's shadow and the sun momentarily blocks the illumination that creates a full moon. This energetic has the effect of resetting the current energetic cycle and allowing the shadow to reveal what is hidden in our subconscious or keeping us blocked from seeing more clearly. I discuss the larger context of the Lunar Eclipse in the broadcast linked to this post. This includes that we are being rebirthed into a remembering and release of energetic patterns that no longer serve us. We are being "rebirthed" into something profound: energetic stillness, so as to be able to truly understand, feel and integrate energies that have always been moving through us and around us. This might sounds simple and easy, but its integration requires and is supported by both eclipses, which means it is anything but simple and easy. These energies will carry us through the next months of our lives as we each walk our individual path towards collective cleanse and reconstruction. ![]()
As a part of this process I got the nudge to offer an online retreat on 12/21 this year. You can register to receive more information about it and join us here as well as by clicking the image on right.
Can you feel the pull?
We are being invited to de-program.. so as to re-program ourselves. Some of what we experience is out of this world amazing and enlightening (!) and some of it is (for lack of a better phrasing) all the gunk under the rug from the past. At least everything that need to be seen and removed from all-of-our-this-lifetime. Are you ready? I AM! What I am 100% clear about and sure of is that all of the personal work and transformation we are each individually and collectively moving through IS THE WORK. As in, this is the exact stuff our soul has signed on for and been waiting for. THIS (not glorious, possibly frustrating moment) IS IT! This post might bring up a it of agitation.. THIS IS IT?! If that feels like you I offer that you're missing the point. The "it", the thing we think we want and need is moving and shifting.. So, yes, it may feel that your world is shifting. We in being invited o trust that ultimately all that is happening is for the better; is for the good of ourselves and the whole. The question might entertain our minds with is WHY. Why? Why is all this happening? We're on the trajectory of enlightenment.. and we can all identify that there's tons of stuff to be clarified in our world. So here we are, Awakening. It can feel a lot. It can feel like we're awakening into the muck. But hey, seeing the muck pretty much assures you that you now know its there. The beauty of the awakening is that you can now address it. ![]()
That is a long-winded introduction to Goddess Maia or Maya. As everything I've just written has already been written before, in different ways. That we live in a world of illusion/delusion... and on the flip side transformation and immense possibility.
I mention in the broadcast that this Goddess in Hindu thought can been seen in a negative way: Maya is seen as something essentially negative: a synonym for the illusion of material existence and the ignorance (avidya) that makes it possible. This is only one side of the same coin, however, and in this broadcast we are invited to see and to understand that this Goddess is point us to the immense power of our own consciousness, of our own creative life force. In Greek myth, Maia is viewed as the goddess of Spring and the coming of new life. Of course these two views are the positive and negative aspects of the same Reality. While Maya is associated with avidya, non-wisdom, the Greek goddess Maia is the mother of Hermes, the god of wisdom, and in Buddhism, Maya is the mother of the Buddha, the incarnation of wisdom. ![]()
Welcome to the 11 11 portal for 2020. While this energetic alignment happens every year on 11 11, this year is extra special and quite potent as we have the 2020 energies all around us, supporting us towards ascension and transformation.
As I mention in the broadcast, 11 11 asks the question: Do you believe in the things you cannot see? This is because we are living in powerful, transformative and creative times. I discuss the fundamental meaning of 11 11 in terms of a binary universe in the broadcast. I also wanted to add a few interesting links from quantum physics, in case you want to sense the convergence of science and spirituality that is on the way! https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/765843/universe-a-COMPUTER-binary-theory-of-everything https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/bridging-a-binary-universe/ https://bigthink.com/philip-perry/the-basis-of-the-universe-may-not-be-energy-or-matter-but-information
In the broadcast, we meet two Ascended Masters: St. Germain and Serapis Bey. While there are a variety of interpretations as to what it means to be an "Ascended Master", in my understanding of it's most simple and broad application, Ascended Master can be applied to those whom we as humans consider enlightened or ascended beings. Another word that I find interesting and potentially synonymous to use is "Avatar". Avatar's transcend individual consciousness and show us that there are thought forms and energetic ways of being and knowing that exist beyond our 3D physical world, yet are also inexplicably tied to and oven into the threads of our reality. ![]()
St. Germain is an Ascended Master, Avatar and enlightened being whom I've mentioned before. There is much written about him, I will include some links in this post for you to review and sense what feels true for you. I can share here that I have come to interact with this energy as the Violet Flame.
St. Germain has long been know to be associated with and be the keeper of the Violet Flame, among other things. So as we interact with him for the purposes of the 11 11 portal, to keep things simple you can just consider him to be an Avatar or Ascended Master.. someone akin to a buddha or saint.. but also someone who is very much here and available to humanity Links about St. Germain: https://www.templeofthepresence.org/Main/saint_germain https://www.gaia.com/article/the-legendary-saint-germain-mystic-ascended-master-immortal-count ![]()
Serapis Bey is considered by many an Ascended Master. He is similar to St. Germain in that he also has been thought and understood to be and enlightened being who is here to assist humanity during this time of transition and transformation. He oversees the Ascension Temple at Luxor in Egypt. Serapis Bey is the beloved avatar who supports us in the initiations for the ascension, hence his presence in our 11 11 portal meditation!
It is thought that Serapis Bey was incarnated as a high priest in one of the "Temples of the Sacred Fire" on Atlantis who migrated to Egypt at the time of the destruction of Atlantis. It is also believed that he was incarnated as the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III (who constructed the Temple of Luxor) and also as Leonidas, the King of Sparta, who was killed in 480 BC defending the pass of Thermopylae against the invasion of Greece by Emperor Xerxes I of Persia. According to the teachings of Agni Yoga, Serapis Bey was in past lives the Roman King Numa Pompilius, the philosophers Confucius, Plato and Lucius Anneus Seneca. |
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January 2025
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