We have three super powerful events converging in the same week toward the end of March 2023.
First, the March Equinox, which is exact on the 20th, opens the gateway and sets the energetic tone for a powerfully rebalancing week. Equinoxes are inherently balancing/rebalancing times, as the amount of light and dark is literally equal and in balance on this day. The fact that this "balancing" takes place as we enter into the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, invites us to dig a little deeper. The question, from the perspective of Aries, becomes: What am I rebalancing for? We also have the new moon in Aries, following just hours after the Equinox on March 21st at 10:32am PST. Traditionally, Aries is the sign of "I AM" .. it is courageous, active & some would venture divine masculine energy. Aries has a bit of a good and a bit of a bad rap; it can be powerful and courageous but also misaligned and destructive. As the god of war, his time is cycling out. As divine masculine, his time is cycling in.
According to the Mayan calendar and Yuga cycles of time we are entering into Cycles of Light. As such it is perfect that as Pulto enters into Aquarius just days after we have an Aries new moon as well as Mars conjunct Betelgeuse in Gemini. I focus on the myth of Betelgeuse and offer a possible interpretation for these energetics in the podcast. The basic message is Betelgeuse can support us in realizing the realities of the polarized and sometimes dualistic world that we live in... and according to Pluto in Aquarius, realizations and clarity are everything. So this Aries new moon and Pluto's dip into Aquarius offer us a brief glimpse into the world we will find once we see the truth of things for ourselves. When we have clarity, we have alignment between our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves (in energy healing we call these bodies or layers of the aura). Alignment is a fundamental principle of the universe: we always energetically attract what we are vibrating about. As we get clarity the things that come into our lives and experience are more and more in alignment with our soul's calling and purpose.
This brings us to Pluto moving into Aquarius, which follows just two days beyond the new moon, on the 23rd of March. Pluto will be dancing in and out of Aquarius for a bit, then fully into Aquarius in 2025.. until 2044! This is truly a once in a lifetime event. I will be exploring, over time via astrology, the many layers of Pluto's message for us. The 3 months Pluto spends in Aquarius in 2023 are really just giving us a glimpse of the possibilities of what's to unfold. I sense it is going to be a vast and powerful "remembering" of long forgotten and seemingly hidden knowledge, ways of being and knowing. All of these "rememberings" have the potential to be empowering, uplifting, life and world changing. THIS IS THE LIFETIME!
In that spirit, I got the nudge to offer my Alchemy and Egyptian Magic course once more, as the course is a guided yet personal experience of remembering what we likely knew in past lifetimes. The course begins with the Lunar Eclipse on Friday May 5th and lasts for 6 lunar cycles. You can find more information here as well as by clicking the image below.
Please also join my email list here for special discounts on this course and other future offerings!
The full moon in Virgo on March 7 offers us a perfect harmonization of Virgo's energetic authenticity and vigilance with Vesta's internal fire and wisdom.
This full moon might feel like a bit of a balm for the tired, fearful, or skeptical soul. We've individually and collectively cleared and moved through so much energy in the past 6 months that even though we are right on course and everything is growing beneath the surface...we might find old fears and collective outdated ways of thinking creeping in. A full moon in Virgo is the absolutely perfect antidote for times where the cobwebs of fear and doubt can simply no longer be tolerated. Virgo waves her energetic hand and says: "be gone." We also have the asteroid and Goddess Vesta active at this time, as she is conjunct Jupiter and Chiron in Aries. This trio (Vesta, Jupiter and Chiron) are aligned to support what I sense to be a potential "Recipe for 2025 BIG DREAMS." You'll likely sense that 2025 is a couple of years away, but it's actually only a matter of a little bit of time. This offers a sense of potency for us, if we can manage to harness the power of our own vibration and consciousness, we can be in an entirely new level of existence in very litle time. Vesta is one of the largest objects in the asteroid belt and is the brightest asteroid visible from Earth. (It is regularly as bright as magnitude 5.1, at which times it is faintly visible to the naked eye.) Vesta was discovered by the German astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers on 29 March 1807 and is named after Vesta, the virgin goddess of home and hearth from Roman mythology. Vesta is commonly associated with the Vestal Virgins of ancient Rome, the priestesses who tended to the ever-glowing fire beneath the city. It is worth noting that the word virgin originally had a different connotation than what we know today; it indicated "a woman unto herself", on bound by legal marriage. The women who tended the sacred fire beneath Rome were moon priestesses who sought to sustain and transmit the energy of the Goddess. I offer a meditation for cleansing, upgrading and aligning with momma earth's consciousness after I discuss the astrological aspects. I hope that you enjoy! ![]()
Also, March will be the last month to join the Muse Manifestation coaching program. If you want to hop on at a discount please join my email list!
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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