A quick post about the energetics of this lunation. I am sharing an image of the astrology chart for the new moon below, where you can see, as I mention in the podcast, that Juno, the Sun and Moon are in a tight conjunction in the sign of Gemini. You can also see they are all squaring Neptune in Pisces.
There are several layers of energetics that I discuss in the podcast & Neptune is woven in there twice. So it's worth noting the squaring energy. Square with Neptune can simply mean challenges come up in order to be able to see more clearly. Given that the Sun, Moon and Juno are all square Neptune, in its home sign of Pisces means that the realizations might "feel" very intense.
Neptune, the planet that supports us in rising above levels of delusion and beholding to others ways of knowing and being, truly wants to support us in coming into our OWN words and ways, into our OWN thoughts and realizations. Neptune says that even though we are more interconnected now than ever, it is important not to simply follow along the latest trend. We are reminded to truly sit within ourselves and wait for the signs that things are miraculously unfolding: to look for the synchronicities, to trust our intuition, to not, "be in a rush" about having the realizations too soon. This is a very long introduction into the actual content of the podcast, which is focused on the embodiment and rebalancing of the divine feminine. Juno is the Queen of the Roman gods and the wife of Jupiter, the King of the gods; her Greek equivalent is Hera, as Queen of the gods, wife of Zeus. I discuss at length in the podcast the potential misogyny and misinformation included in their myths, and offer a meditation to begin to unravel those cords and return to harmonizing and rebalancing the divine feminine with the divine masculine. This is the inspiration for the quote shared above "What does Divine Feminine ask of me at this time?" This quote came through as Mars and Venus are close to conjunct in the sign of Leo... But they are not together. What is tightly conjunct is Black Moon Lilith with Mars. Mars being the energy of divine masculine, and Venus, divine feminine. Black Moon Lilith, typically seen as discord via rebellious feminine energy, is inviting Mars (divine masculine) to be informed about the divine feminine's needs. Specifically, what she needs in order to be able to return to harmony, balance and symbiosis. This is not a statement of "needs" nor is it an invitation to placate and buy flowers, this is an energetic transmission. I hope that you enjoy! For updates and other offerings please join my email list. For ways to support the 501c3 Seeding Reciprocity you can keep an eye on this site for 2023 developments and programs.
We have a synchronistic, powerful, and fortuitous alignment with the Sagittarius full moon on June 3/4 2023.
Full moons always happen when the moon and sun are in opposition. It just so happens that this full moon is one that is conjunct the only two stars that we currently know of as in opposition in the sky: Antares and Aldebarean. This is a very rare conjunction/opposition of lady luna conjunct Antares and our sun conjunct Aldebaran. In the podcast above I discuss the supporting astrological aspects. For the purposes of this blog post I will dive more deeply into the energetics of Antares and Aldebaran. Antares - Antares is the 15th brightest star in our sky, and probably the second largest one ~ next only to Betelgeuse in Orion. If set in our solar system, it would engulf all of the inner planets and extend well into the asteroid belt! This puts it at well over 500 times the size of the sun. Interestingly it lies some 520 light years from the earth, the same distance away as the star Betelgeuse (though in different directions). Because of its enormous size and relative proximity, Antares is one of the few stars in which the size of its disk can actually been measured. It is its size which gives it its brightness, not its temperature, for it is much cooler than the sun. The larger the size of a star, the greater the area from which it radiates its light. Aldebaran - Aldebaran, the brightest star in the constellation Taurus the Bull, rises in the fall at sunset, and is the thirteenth brightest star in the sky. Its name comes from the Arabic Al Dabaran, the Follower, because Aldebaran appears to follow the Pleiades through the night sky. As the Eye of the Bull, Aldebaran is called the Eye of Revelation. It is referred to by astronomers and cosmologists as the Eastern Royal Star, one of the four Royal Stars considered the sentinels watching over other stars. It is also known as the Buddha’s star, the Star of Illumination, and God’s Eye. This magnificent star has been used for centuries in navigation, and is known by many civilizations to be connected with the spirits of rain and the fertility of the earth. Approximately 5,000 years ago, the rising of Aldebaran marked the vernal equinox and marked the beginning of the Babylonian new year. I mention in the podcast that this particular alignment of these four celestial bodies in their signs (Moon/Antares in Sagittarius, Sun/Aldebaran in Gemini) is a very rare (potentially once in a lifetime) activation. I offer here that the activation is more like a "communication." Rather than being a download from something separate that we don't understand, this is a remembering of something that we have always been a part of. It will likely feel very much like a homecoming. I came to understand the nature of other-worldly "communication" when I dove into the work of James Ross Godbe in 2018. Godbe is a bright mind and humble soul living in the high desert of eastern California. He is the author of the book Stillpoint: The Geometry of Consciousness. This writing and his other work have been influential in my podcast as well as in my other offerings. He offers a mathematically based foundation for understanding things like planetary relationships and astrology. The video below is his presentation/collaboration on the precession of the equinoxes:
The next video is what I've shared in past equinox gatherings about sacred alignments, also what we are gravitating toward in the current Egyptian Alchemy Course to support a deeper understanding of the connection between the sacred geometry of the Pyramids and the Alchemist's understanding of sacred geometry.
Finally, the Herbal Alchemy Guild and Herbal Online Store are beginning to go live!
We have a Lunar Herbal Alchemy Elixir New Moon Gathering for those in the Lunar Herbal Alchemy guild on June 17th at 11am pacific time. You can join via subscription with this link. You can also get access with a purchase from our online store with this link. All herbs are organically grown at the retreat center, which is a regenerative organic farm. 100% of proceeds go to the 501c3 Seeding Reciprocity. |
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January 2025
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