We've got SO MUCH to experience in July! Three main events are the Solar Eclipse on July 2nd (which this post and broadcast are about) as well as a Lunar Eclipse and New Moon on Leo. Let's focus on the energies of the moment: we have a total/full solar eclipse On July 2nd 2019, at 12.16 pm Pacific time at 10 degrees 37 minutes of Cancer.
As I share in the podcast above, this is less about the 'exact time' of the eclipse.. and more about the energies that are already being offered and will continue to be present in the next 6 months, should we need them. Astrological phenomenon such as eclipses have 'cusps' where we can feel the energies start to activate and still connect with and sense them long after they're gone in linear time... I like to think of this as the energetic and gravitational pull of the planets and all celestial bodies, including the constellations. You can also imagine it about it as a smooth and never ending dance of the interplay of gravitational forces and energy fields.. An energetic dance where you can feel the gravitational pull of the energy long before you meet the celestial forces.. and connect with them even after they're on their way elsewhere. ![]()
Back to what's happening now, a Total Solar Eclipse. This is where the moon completely blocks or Eclipses the light of the Sun. Many state that this darkness breaks the auric field of earth.. which causes an opening and allows energies from higher dimensions to come in. Another way to look at this is that there's a cut out in the light; as in a momentary power outage.. and when the light resumes again we may have jumped forward. Think of how you feel when the power goes out, and it resumes again.. you feel renewed energy.. and even a possibly reorganization or re-prioritization of what you're paying attention and giving energy to. Eclipses have this same effect, and total eclipses add the exclamation point to the experience of power/light and it's return.
It's also worth noting there that pretty much all ancient traditions had high ranking priests and/or calendar keepers who's most important job was to predict eclipses. They were beheaded and/or demoted for any missteps in this very important task.. as all ancients had a relation to the heavens where they understood and connecting to the celestial bodies. This is once again a remembering for us in our current life. Suffice to say that prior to modern astrology and the internet, most all cultures have been found to be aware of the power of celestial happenings, and they paid very specific attention to eclipses. ![]()
So here we are today... remembering this esoteric wisdom and stepping into our own power and purpose. What's oh so important and powerful about this eclipse is that we have a particular alignment of sun and moon and north node in cancer.. (Which happened last in 2009-2010.. so its also worthwhile to revisit what you were visioning and birthing then). Cancer herself is cardinal water. I like to think of gushing waterfalls, so powerful you can barely speak, but you are fully aware and in awe of their energy. This is the Goddess Incarnate.. and these energies of the Solar Eclipse are oh so loving and supportive and Goddess-Mother-ly. But they're also not messing around they're not just soft goo of a mom who will always love us.. They're the Mother & Goddess Universe who are lovingly supporting us to embody our Soul's Purpose.
This means we have the opportunity to move beyond our own shadows (south node) and self-imposed limitations into the lightness and brightness that naturally flows from within.. and joyfully guides us on the path of our soul's purpose. This is powerful to integrate with daily life.. the fears, doubts and messages that keep us small and looking for proof and security and ego validation. How do we do this? I offer a breath mediation, as I have come to know and experience the breath as one of the most powerful tools we have at our disposal .. always. If you'd like more personalized information about your lifetime, your energies in this eclipse I also offer for a live 30 minute reading below Regardless, enjoy the podcast as well as the opening of Eclipse Season!
Within the energy of the portal of June 21st, Neptune went retrograde just hours prior to Solstice. The energy of the solstice portal fully supports us in raising the vibration of our physical and energetic selves- in raising our consciousness. Neptune in retrograde adds an exclamation point to this energy, especially in the early part of Neptune's retrograde (the end of June, and up to eclipse on July 2).
Neptune is etheric, otherworldly, intuitive, it supports us in awakening.. as I like to call it "remembering" our true power and connection to source. Keep your energetic feelers and intuition open during this time, as experiences likely support new realizations of the nature of your reality, and your own powerful role in creating everything will be bubbling up. The image that is often seen feels like the veil being lifted.. the clearing of a fog.. or the dropping of cobwebs in one's personal mental space. Its as if we are energetically being upgraded to see, feel and understand with more clarity and wisdom.
While retrogrades in general encourage us to review, revisit, and revise, Neptune's message is quite special for us now: we are supporting in knowing and activating our ability to rewrite, revision and retell our lives into the spaces and experiences our heart truly desires. ![]()
Ascended Master St. Germain often makes himself known and available during times of transformation.. especially when we are moving from time centered visions of transformation into energy centered experiences of transmutation. St. Germain is often seen in colors of violet, magenta and blue.. simply seeing and connecting to these colors in the physical world can be portals for release and upgrades .. they can also bring messages and information about trusting one's path in times of transmutation.
You'll use the mantra that St. Germain gives us in this time in the podcast, as well as below. Please feel free to write this down if it resonates for you and speak it aloud to yourself each morning to clarify your intentions for the day.
I choose what I Believe.
I choose what I See. I choose what I Feel. I am Vibrant & I am Sovereign. I am Whole. I AM. ![]()
Solstice is the time every summer when the sun reaches its highest point in our sky and each winter when it reaches it's lowest point, bringing us the days of most and least light, respectively.
Each year on days before and after Solstice, the earth is infused with amplified solar energy and an opening to the higher realms of spirit is created. This opening is often referred to as a "portal", and it's created by the Earth's alignment with the Great Central Sun, the Galactic Center. During these days we are fully supported in personally and collectively raising the vibration of human consciousness. We are also supported in releasing through forms and belief systems that no longer serve us. The podcast today captures the energies of the Solstice and calls upon the following six Archangels to support us in shining our light in as big and beautiful of a manner as we are capable of: 1 - Archangel Raphael is the Angel of the East and Archangel of the element Air. Raphael uses Emerald Green light, also known as the Emerald Ray to bring us healing and abundance. 2 - Archangel Michael is the Angel of the South and the Archangel of the element Fire. Michael uses electric blue fire and his Sword of Blue Light to cut negative cords and attachments and provide energetic protection courage and strength. 3 - Archangel Gabriel is the Angel of the West the Archangel of element Water. Gabriel uses sky-blue and diamond white light to bring us me guidance and direction along our life's path and support us in our life’s mission. 4 - Archangel Uriel is the Angel of the North and the Archangel of the element Earth. Uriel uses purple and golden rays to release us from thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve us and to provide wisdom and peace. 5 - Archangel Sandalphon works through the crystalline grid within our Mother Earth and brings her crystal light and love into our heart centers. 6 - Archangel Metatron is known as the Prince of the ministering angels and the sustainer all mankind.. Metatron sounds down the light love and codes of information from Spirit and Source into our physical bodies and physical world. These angels and the energies of the Solstice not only support our own personal clearing, healing, and unleveling in energy, together we all support the global web of light that I often refer to as the Karma Clearing Project. The Karma clearing project provides a framework (which is simply a collection of ideas) to support us in sustaining and using a global web of healing as a force of light and love around the world. The project was informally launched last year and we now have a critical number of people participating so as to have a healing and loving impact on the topics, places, and spaces that need our energy. Our website is being revised to reflect the new streamlined form of the project, you can find it here. ![]()
Welcome to one of the most potent times yet in 2019! Today we have the Sun and Gemini, luna in Sagittarius, conjunct the Galactic Center. The polarity of the twins in Gemini supports us in embracing the light and dark aspects of ourselves, the moon in Sagittarius tells us to use our courage and intuition to take aim at what we want to create, and the alignment with the galactic center adds the "special juju" where we know what we're feeling inspired to release, re-vision, shift and upgrade is very much in alignment with our soul's path in this lifetime. Phew! Are you ready?
The broadcast above includes a meditation and visualization practice that you can use multiple times to unhook yourself from the "buttons" that pushed, and ground down the power you have to shift and create the life you desire.
I also re-introduce the vision of Karma Clearing Project in this broadcast, as Spirit told me to embody my message of "taking aim" at our soul's purpose :) The wonderful thing to share is that we now have over 100 countries listening in and contributing their energy, and 1000's of listeners. I mention in the broadcast a Tibetan prophecy that is in alignment with this vision of a global web of light & healing: When 1000 Goddesses gather, the Divine Feminine will rebirth through their energies and the tone of the planet will shift from fear to compassion (from dark to light). It's worth noting that we each (men and women) ideally have equal amounts of divine feminine and divine masculine within us. So this is a statement that potentially encompasses everyone who reads, listens and contributes their energy. It's literally a matter of connecting deeply into our Mother Earth, as she is the physical representation of the Divine Feminine. All we need to do is connect to her, send her our love and healing energy, and receive it from her. This is something that transcends our understanding of men and women in 2019, and it enables all of us to tap into "goddess consciousness" .. as well consider Momma Earth as our primary Goddess.
Through the end of this year, Spirit tells me we will embark on several healing journeys together for our planet. I am currently reworking the Karma Clearing Project website with info and tutorials. So the site is literally birthing and rebirthing this month. Much love!
Egyptian Goddess Wadjet has powerful things to teach and remind us about our own innate creative abilities. As the patron Goddess of Lower Egypt she was seen as a source and force for life and growth. Connected to the land and symbol of the papyrus plant, she was revered as an integral aspect of creating the physical world in ancient Egypt.
The ancient Egyptians used papyrus to make paper, baskets, sandals, reed boats, mats, rope, blankets, tables, chairs, mattresses, medicine, perfume, food, and clothes. The papyrus was a natural symbol of life itself and the primeval marsh from which all life came. Papyrus pillars were also said to hold up the sky. Papyrus shaped columns common in many temples may reflect this double symbolism. All of this was and is linked to Wadjet, who supports us now is remembering our own innate life force energy. In the broadcast linked with this post, I speak of Wadjet as reminding us of our own kundalini, serpent-like life force energy. She is the embodiment of this energy and she also a reflection of each of us. Should we choose to identify with her, we can awaken more fully to our own true power. As I write this post, we are in the energies of the "Crystal Cycle of Wadjet" within the Cosmic Time Keeper, which is the 12th of 13 total cycles of time. (I will be publishing a new Cosmic Time Keeper in July 2019.) The Mantra for this 12th cycle of time: "I am a creator and guardian." The Meditation: Cycle 12 brings a new, more integrated, comprehensive and complex level of stability. Exactly like the wisdom of the crystal, where every element and aspect of the whole contribute to the facets that bring its synergistic power, the cycle of 12 dictates the universal nature of cooperation in co-creation. Every single being carries equal right, equal responsibility, and holds equal energetic place in the collective. The cycle of 12 invites us into a fully integrated collective, where every individual is nourished and supported by and every individual feeds the needs and aspirations of the whole. 12 represents the coherent formation of the sacred circle. An excerpt from the Cosmic Time Keeper regarding Wadjet: As the patron goddess, Wadjet was associated with the land and depicted as a snake-headed woman or a snake, usually an Egyptian cobra, a poisonous snake common to the region. Sometimes she was depicted as a woman with two snake heads and, at other times, a snake with a woman's head. Her oracle was in the renowned temple in Per-Wadjet that was dedicated to her worship and gave the city its name. This oracle may have been the source for the oracular tradition that spread to Greece from Egypt. The Going Forth of Wadjet was celebrated on December 25 with chants and songs. An annual festival held in the city celebrated Wadjet on April 21. Other important dates for special worship of her were June 21, the Summer Solstice, and March 14. The name Wadjet means "papyrus-colored one", as wadj is the ancient Egyptian word for the color green (in reference to the color of the papyrus plant) and the et is an indication of her gender. Eventually, Wadjet was claimed as the patron goddess and protector of the whole of Lower Egypt and became associated with Nekhbet, depicted as a white vulture, who held the same title in Upper Egypt. When the two parts of Egypt were joined together, there was no merger of the deities as often occurred, both beliefs were retained and became known, euphemistically, as the "two ladies”, who were the protectors of unified Egypt. After the unification the image of Nekhbet joined Wadjet on the crown. The ancient Egyptian word Wedjat signifies blue and green. the Pyramid Texts it said that the papyrus plant emerged from her, and that she was connected to the forces of growth. It was also believed that she created the papyrus swamps herself. I often see Wadjet as the goddess embodiment of kundalini energy; her depiction symbolizing and harnessing the serpent like energy that we each carry within our energy bodies.
Wadjet Sculpture
In the early 1950's, German physicist and professor W.O. Schumann hypothesized and proved there were electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere between the earth's surface and the ionosphere (or outer reaches of our atmosphere).The main frequency of these electromagnetic waves has been 7.83 Hz since its initial time of measurement in 1954.
The Schumann resonance is also known also as the "heartbeat" of Mother Earth. This is because 7.83Hz is also the frequency that the human brain produces in alpha or theta states, which are the states we encounter during deep sleep and meditation & healing. The ancient Indian Rishis referred to this as OHM (or OM), or the incarnation of pure sound. In 2014, the Schumann Resonance frequency rose to 15-24 Hz levels, and this was considered as a strange anomaly. Follow that with a spike on January 31, 2017, where for the first time in recorded history, it reached frequencies of over 36 Hz. Which brings us to the energies of 2019. This year on March 17, we saw a record breaking spike in the Schumann Resonance at 150 Hz, and we've seen a few high spikes (such as today) in the 80Hz range. The scientific community has documented the negative effects of these spikes in that they are more associated with a stressed nervous system than a relaxed and healthy one. I offer also that these spikes are supporting us on the path of awakening and true enlightenment. How do these two mesh? We've come to a fork in the evolutionary road. One where those who continue to choose to live solely within the 3d world of fear and physicality will be negatively affected by these new energies, and those who choose to awaken, evolve, and 'remember' their true loving nature will experience these as opportunities for release, cleansing, integration and unification. Those are two very different experience of the very same phenomenon. Caveat, those of us on the latter path of awakening, evolving and ascending will likely also experience some "bumps" in the road. I consider these experiences as rites of passage where we also experience the constricting nature of the energy, but as we integrate and acclimate, the constriction is followed by massive expansion and light. This happens in the same way that darkness comes before light. It is part of the way the Universe keeps things balance. Those who are sensitive to energy have been able to correlate when they are feeling something really different, and look up the chart to see if a “wave” is occurring. You can find these charts here, scroll to the second and third charts for the data I am referring to. Below is a screen shot of what the Schumann Resonance looked like from the above website on June 4, 2019:
On the left axis you will see the hertz and on the lower axis you will see the time of day in UTC +7. The top axis shows the date. The numbers are small, so you might make out three dates form left to right "2.05.2019", "3.05.2019", and "4.05.2019". The 7.83 Hz frequency is the more or less solid green line flowing from left to right along the top portion of the data. The spikes appertains as white, and termed a “white out.” They have been shown to correlate with thousands of people being able to feel the fluctuation in their physical body.
Another helpful way to consider the information is in the graph below. Here, the spikes flow more intuitively up from the bottom and you can now see the left axis of hertz value of 84 Hz at the right most spike on June 4, 2019.
Compare the data from today June 04, 2019 to the record breaking spike of 150 Hz on March 17, 2019 below.
The effects of these spikes on humanity are varied, but can include:
As I mention in the broadcast, the most important thing you can do is relax and take extra good care of yourself. This includes rest, water, simple healthy foods, meditation, energy work, salt baths, sound healing.. surrounding yourself with positive loving people and anything else that you sense will keep your energies bright and balanced. |
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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