The Libra New Moon, which is exact on September 25th 2022, has the potential to be one of the more potent seeding times for this entire year! I explain in the podcast how this new moon is inviting us to remember the larger scheme of energetic events.
These events began in 2021 with Saturn squaring Uranus three different times. We have the same Saturn square Uranus energy carrying from September through December. This will be the completion of the Saturn square Uranus cycle! Everything will be wrapped up by the end of January 2023. We also have the Libra equinox on the 22nd of September which I will discuss in depth during our live gathering. Make sure you're on my email list to receive the link to join us live. You will also find a recording below. There are a host of astrological aspects happening precisely with the New Moon on the 25th, The overarching theme is to tap into our hearts and our high hearts and lean in to energetic reflection, self improvement and increased awareness of every single energetic offering we make. Now more than ever we are realizing our internal world is our most powerful point of attraction and manifestation. This internal space is the point of creation where we can manifest anything and everything. On September 17th we have the first "Yod" which is followed by an exact reconfiguration of this Yod on December 19th. This is a once-in-a-lifetime astrological event. Yods themselves, I discuss in the podcast, are quite aware. Having one repeat itself exactly is to my understanding quite unheard of. This particular energy which takes place roughly from September 17th to December 19th 2022 is going to energize us and invite us to lift our vibrations and visions higher than we ever though possible. The overarching transmission of this Yod/ Ark of the Covenant Portal is that we likely have not even conceived of the miraculous and transformational time we are entering into. This time is both something that exists outside ourselves but it's also something that we will be able to tap into and utilize our vibration to seed and create a beautiful world. I mention in the podcast that a Yod is not only an astrological event, it is the 10th letter of the alphabet in the Kabbalah. In certain energy healing circle, it is an energetic healing symbol.. It is also quintessentially linked to the ark of the covenant. ![]()
In the image to the right, I draw the Yod as I learned in Energy Healing circles. To my understanding the cauldron/vessel symbolizes "the hands of God" into which the Ark of the Covenant is flowing. This energy of the Ark is something we do not own, we ourselves are channels and caretakers of this energy.
The Kabbalah speaks of Yod as a "Tsimsum" which translates to "contractions". A contraction is much like a seed that is super dense but capable of producing miraculous results. It is also the first letter of the name of God, YHVH, and spoken of as the "Finger of God", a divine blessing to have it present in our lives. The Finger of God is also a bit of a challenge because complacency simply isn't an option. We are invited to raise the bar energetically beyond that which we thought was possible. But the ultimate message of the Yod as well as the Arc of the Covenant portal is that the universe is infinitely supportive. Ultimately we understand that it is us that us that gets in our own way by our limited thoughts and beliefs.
While this time of activation will look unique to each individual as every soul is on a distinct path, the overarching theme is an even more profound understanding of the power of divine love, understanding interconnection and oneness and a willingness to imagine dream and create big bright and beautiful things!
We have a full moon in the sign of Pisces on September 10 2022. This full moon is quite special as there is so much alignment and cohesion is the astrological aspects. I discuss these in depth in the podcast and lightly in the you tube below. The theme is converging around us simultaneously opening up to higher dimensions of consciousness as well as being willing to take responsibility for all aspects of our energetic vibration. Our vibration is after all our offering to the plant and the universe for what is possible!
In sync with the vibrations supporting us is deepening our commitment to consciously choose what we vibrate about, we have the opportunity to connect with and activate the Alta Major Chakra. Alta Major is a lesser know chakra, but as I state in the podcast, it is a key to us truly full opening and acting our third eye and abilities to acess higher consciousness.
Alta Major is located where the base of our skull and top of out spine meet. In modern science it is known as the "Reticular Activation System". I always love it when science and spirit converge! I speak about it as a teal colored chakra, receiving all information and filtering it for our own unique asking. Much like a camera, it has an "aperture adjustment" where it will allow as much light in as we are ready for. This means it is safe to work with this energy, also that we would benefit from continuing to ask for and allow more light in! ![]()
The image at right comes from The Sacred Geometry Sourcebook. I love it as it not only informs the mediation for this Pisces Full Moon and Alta Major Activation, it reminds us that the sacred geometry of Metatron's cube is so much more. We use Metatron cube in the mediation to connect several chakras and glands and activate hat Alta Major as well and Third Eye, Throat, High Heart Heart and Root. It is fitting to consider the this sacred geometric form also contains the Platonic solids.
(The Platonic solids are named after Plato, the Greek philosopher. The Greeks referred to these five shapes as cosmic solids, because they believed the polyhedra were linked to the cosmos. Each polyhedron was thought to represent an element – earth, fire, water, air, and the universe.) In a more earth based system this shoes would be considered to invoke not only the elements but also the directions in carpeting and calling in sacred space.
My Youtube video offers a quick snapshot of the astrology with a Lemurian card reading for this lunation.
Click the image below to learn about and purchase the Alta Major Chakra Spray.
Please also subscribe to my email list to join me for the free online Witches Thanksgiving and Autumnal Equinox Celebration on September 22 2022!
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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