Welcome to this potently transformational new moon! This moon is telling us the story of ourselves, and of what we have to cleanse, heal and reboot so as to be on our optimal path. Likely there's some stuck stuff, so it might be a bumpy ride! The overriding message is hold on; to stay present and grounded. We are invited to remember and to trust that everything is always working itself out for the highest good.
We have a sort of scary but necessarily powerful and oh so healing goddess in our midst: Coatlicue (pronounced “koh-at-lee-kway”). Coatlicue is the Aztec goddess who gave birth to the moon, stars, and her son Huītzilōpōchtli, the god of the sun.
Coatlicue is represented as a woman wearing a skirt of writhing snakes and a necklace made of human hearts, hands, and skulls. Her feet and hands are adorned with claws. Her face is formed by two facing serpents. I discuss in the podcast the two myths of Coatlicue, one potenlially less gruesome than the other. The one that feels resonant for me is about her goddess power and her ability to birth the time of the 5th Sun. Which the Aztecs knew was the time we are now living in. So to say it in simple terms, she is the goddess force that set in motion the birthing of our current Sun. Our Sun being the deity that gives us prana and life force energy. I discuss the myth of her sacrificing her human self so as to ensure the birth of this 5th Sun. As she sacrificed herself she was already glorified, but she became a powerful goddess with the power to reach across time and space and multiple dimensions. ![]()
So here we are! in the beginning of 2022, staring down the barrel of tons of change. Change that we have the opportunity to embrace as entirely empowering. Change that is putting us in alignment with our soul's calling. Nevertheless it is change. We 3d humans tend to have a challenge with change :) As such I was called to re-offer my energetic learning course. It is now a 4 week course hat you can take with me. You'll find both online and live gathering opportunities to interact. The material will be available to you throughout 2022. We embark on January 30th! You can find more information about this offering here's well as in the image at right. Here's the link to join us.
Welcome to the first full moon in 2022! While the full moon is exact on January 17th, the effects can be strongly felt the few days before and after, and more subtly felt the week before and after. So be sure to take a look at what unfolds well beyond the actual date.
It just so happens that this full moon takes place in the sign of Cancer: a cardinal, feminine, water sign, ruled by the moon. All of these qualities signal toward the energy of this lunation. Cardinal signals us to pay attention! Feminine calls us to look within for what are paying attention to. Water reminds us to allow the sensitivity of our emotions and our energetic beings to to signal us "yes" or "no". This full moon is also ruled by la luna herself, as Cancer is ruled by the moon. So we have extra potent energetic understandings coming though right now. Our sensitivity is heightened with the moon being in her home sign of Cancer, depending on the individual this may feel like we're extra sensitive with our emotions, our thoughts, our physical bodies... or our energetic bodies and extra-sensitivities. The key to remember here is ALL of this sensitivity is good! We are after all energetic beings, we are here to remember what that's all about and how to harness the vast power contained within each of us. ![]()
To support us in all of this, we have Sioux Moon Goddess Hanwi. I offer in the podcast her legend and suggest that she is here now to help welcome back, embody and rebalance the divine feminine in each of us. Divine feminine is inward turning, aware of all of the subtleties of feeling and intuition. Hanwi, as the Divine Feminine, rules the darkness of night. Her counterpart Wi, as Divine Masculine, rules the day. Because Hanwi’s light, the moonlight, pierces the darkness, it is said to hold more power than the sun’s daylight.
Hanwi is a nurturing, protective goddess, here to support us in letting go of all the things we are carrying that separate us from our own innate light and from the divine feminine wisdom we intuitively have within ourselves. When the full moon arrives, it is a time of realization, culmination and cleansing. We can use the power of the moonlight to cleanse ourselves, to face our shadows and fears and release of all that no longer serves. Hanwi keeps us safe, watching over us in the darkness, as we cleanse our energetic bodies mind from heavy energies and release stress, tension and fear. ![]()
With the theme of continued energetic sensitivity, I got the nudge to offer a second Energetic Clearing course! We will begin a three week journey together on Sunday January 30th. I know some of you didn't get the chance to join the first round of the course so now is the time to hop into the additional offering! More information here and by clicking the image above.
Welcome to the first new moon of 2022! As I mention in the podcast, we have a full moon in Capricorn, which happens again as the last full moon of 2022. This offers us a sort of "book ending" energetic understanding. Where what we take in now will likely come back to us in 12 months of time.
Put a different way, now is an extremely potent time for putting our energetic stamp on things. That might mean saying no to things that don't work, as well as reaching out into the ethers for the things we are calling into our lives. The idea here is that by the time this next full moon in Capricorn rolls around that there will be a full circle of the energy we are seeding. Let's Go! ![]()
I talk in the podcast about Goddess Yemaya/Yamanja. To the Yoruban People she is goddess Yemaya. She is also Ymoga (Mother of the Fishes), Iamanga, and Balianne. She traveled with them from Yoruba to distant lands, comforting enslaved peoples in the holds of ships that took them far away from their homeland in Africa. Today she is also known and celebrated under many other names, including the virgin Mary (Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception), Stella Maris (Star of the Sea), and Our Lady of Regla...the list goes on.
Originally Yemaya was a river goddess of the Yoruba in Nigeria, far from the ocean. She was a nature spirit, mother of all of the Orishas (helping spirits) as well as an Orisha herself. She was both a nurturing, powerful and when need be fierce guardian spirit. An Orisha manifests itself as a force of nature. When her people were hoarded onto the slave ships, Yemaya went with them, thus morphing into the Goddess of the Ocean. Her ties to pre-chrisitan and pre-catholic religion are strong. She manifests as the divine mother of all sentient beings. From Africa, she is dark skinned as the people of that region knew her. She takes the form and energy of the mysterious and powerful Black Madonna, which has been readopted and empowered by some more radical sects of the Catholic church today. ![]()
Also, I want to share my new course beginning 1/08:
Energy Clearing for Energetically Sensitives and Everyone! You can find the curriculum and sign up via the image on left. Looking forward to seeing you on January 8th! |
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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