September 20, 2021 brings a full moon in Pisces. This moon invites us into personal realizations that have the potential to be deeply or highly sensitive on the emotional and psychological scale... as we are being ushered into a deeper ream of release and surrender.
The past weeks have likely felt intense, challenging and also quite transformational on a higher level. This trend is likely to continue for the remainder of this lunar cycle, with the energy of full moon on September 20th revealing or bringing to light some aspect of how we are running our energy the is ready for upgrade. I mention in the podcast that the antidote for all of our challenges during this time might be compassion. Compassion both for ourselves as well as for others. As you take in this side notice how it already feels potentially soothing.. like a glass of water or a cool breeze on a sweltering day. The Goddess of Compassion is Quan Yin or Guan Yin. She has been revered within eastern traditions for centuries. Within Buddhism, Quan Yin carries the Goddess and Divine Mother energy. In Chinese mythology, Guanyin is the goddess of mercy and considered to be the physical embodiment of compassion. She is an all-seeing, all-hearing being who is called upon by worshipers in times of uncertainty, despair, and fear. Guanyin is originally based on the bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. I hope that you enjoy the meditation offering in the podcast! ![]()
Finally, a note to those who may be interested in the Crystal Dragon Alchemy course. Each participant receives a crystal dragon or skull of your choosing as a part of the course. We begin on or around September 21, 2021. Meeting weekly with live gatherings as well as taking your own time (as long and you like :) to go through 4 weeks of online content learning about the Dragon kingdom and Crystal skull magic. The course is nearly full, but as of today there are a few more spaces. Massage me here, send me an email or sign up via this link.
The new moon in virgo on September 6 2021 is potentially the most potent dose of virgo energy we've felt in quite some time! Virgo is typically associated with mutable, introverted, feminine energy. This is the mysterious and often misunderstood aspect of feminine power. It is best and possibly only completely understood within the realms of one's own internal world. This means we cannot and must not look to the external world for answers when we are within Virgo new moon energy.
Virgo is also ruled my Mercury, the planet of communication. While there are many offerings for what is true in the communication corridors of our world right now, at this juncture, the virgin goddess Virgo advises and reminds us that we are always our own best council. I mention in the podcast that the term "virgin" has little to do with sexuality, instead it is an ancient term which means "a woman unto herself". This is the stead of many a crone goddess, including Hecate and Medea. I discuss the connections between these goddesses in the broadcast for today's new moon. ![]()
This brings us to Goddess Medea. I mention briefly her popularized lore from greek playwright Euripides. He authored a tragedy in her name based upon what he claims is the myth of Jason and Medea and first produced in 431 BC. The plot centers on the actions of Medea, a former princess of the kingdom of Colchis, and the wife of Jason; she finds her position in the Greek world threatened as Jason leaves her for a Greek princess of Corinth. Medea takes vengeance on Jason by murdering his new wife as well as her own two sons, after which she escapes to Athens to start a new life.
This play leaves us very much short-changed in an understanding of her power. Notably that it was Jason who sought the magical powers of Medea, specifically her knowledge of herbalism and dragons to conquer an otherwise insurmountable situation for Jason as a potential hero. If you've had any experience with my Goddess Consciousness Course curriculum, you will know that this is a typical pattern of the era of the Greco-Roman empire. Put simply, they sought to replace the feminine empowered goddess culture with male power, henceforth re-writing stories where the women in power were either abandoned, became crazy and/or were bestowed the powers they former held by men. (Note if this is foreign to youcheck out the Goddess Consciousness Course in this link.) Also, you must know that I love all men and women! This is hardly a statement about our current commonly held notions of gender. Rather it is an offering, a lens of sorts, to look at the myth we are told as "true" and potentially dig deeper. When we dig deeper we are met with a crone goddess. A when who never was included to marry and who likely never did marry. I mention in the broadcast that in the triple goddess form of "maiden-mother-crone" the crone goddess is the most disempowered aspect of feminine energy today. We've relegated her to old hag when she is actually an ancient magician and wisdom keeper. Some of her best friends are dragons :) I offer a mediation in this broadcast where ultimately you can be your own decision maker as to there truth and lore of Medea as a virgin goddess under this virgo full moon. ![]()
Finally I will be offering a 4 week/single lunar cycle course on working with dragons and crystal skulls beginning 9.21.21. There are 13 skulls and dragons that will receive their new homes with each of you! As such, space is limited to 13 people. Bring your love for dragons and or your curiosity for occult shamanic practices. This is a private enrollment which opens next week. Make sure you're on my email list if you are interested as private enrollment happens next week!
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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