We have strong Mars energies present at the end of August, and this will likely continue through the end of 2020. On August 24, we have the first energetic peak of Mars square Saturn, and we will see two more peaks on September 29th and January 12th.
We can also feel the momentum of Mars Retrograde coming on as the planet is slowing towards coming to a stop. Mars retrograde actually happens on September 9th through November 12th, but we will feel its effects long before and after. I also note in the broadcast the significance of the numbers 9/9 (September 9th) as a theme of completion, resolution, & leadership for transformation. Finally and powerfully I discuss how the messages and lessons of Mars (which include energetic integrity as well as being aware of how we use our energy) invite us to reconnect to our ancestors and to one of the most ancient yet still surviving cultures on our planet: the Dogon Tribe of Africa. The Dogon are potentially one of the only people who have mangled to stay separate from the "revolution of progress" that is our modern society. As such they hold keys and wisdom for us as we traverse these times of transformation. I discuss the Dogon's knowledge of Sirius in the board cast, but also want to share a but more about their understanding of the creation of humanity. You will find it below.
The Nommo: An old Dogon legend tells of when the God of the universe, Amma, sent the Nommo to earth. This was a half-man, half-amphibian creature which landed in a place northeast of Bandiagara, in the Mopti region; the Nommo was red, but when it touched the ground it became white. ![]()
To the right you will see "Mali", a Dogon container. This container shows the "Ark of the world", in which Nommo, the mythical progenitor of humanity, is supposed to have come down from the sky. (source)
The name Nommo derives from a Dogon word that translates as “to do well”; much more often, however, this is remembered as “The Master of Water” (perhaps a reference to the fact that the Nommo could not survive out of water).
From oral tradition, the Dogon confirmed their affiliation with extraterrestrial bodies which visited earth some years ago. According to them, amphibious beings (or mermaids and mermen) from the Sirius system known as Nommos, visited earth. The Nommos lived on a planet that rotated around other stars in the Sirius system. While we do not yet know exactly how all of this may have unfolded, it is worth noting that other very similar creatures appeared in different cultures - not only geographically distant but also with respect to various historical moments. ![]()
In the image to the left we can see that the same type of creature is present in a history of Mesopotamia written during the III Century BC from the priest Beroso; his name was Oannes, his body was similar to that of a fish, he lived only in water, and had feet similar to those of man.
As I mention in the broadcast, take a look at the similarities between the Dogon (Africa) and Anasazi (US) cliff dwellings. Clearly both have been here for a long time and have much wisdom to share.
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Here we are in they middle of August. Can you feel the energy increasing? Something's got to shift, and we each have our own version of "what" that is.
In the broadcast for today I briefly unpack Uranus retrograde, the new moon in Leo, as well as well as Mars in Aries squaring Pluto (planet of birth/death/transformation) and conjoining with Eris (goddess of discord and feminine awakening). I suspect we can all feel the shifts and "hot-points" that are happening. Eris is a goddess whose purposes to make sure that happens when it needs to. It might feel like a dose of tough love, but it's actually way more than that! It is an invitation to step into the unknown, to venture into places, but for the roadblock, we never would have thought of. This is the gift of mid-August. ![]()
We are stepping into one of my most favorite times of the year! The Lionsgate happens every year, with energies peaking on August 8th. As with most things relating to celestial bodies, the energies and effects can be felt a weaker so before and after the actual energetic peak.
In the broadcast I discuss the significance of the number 8 as a number of abundance, prosperity and infinite energetic possibilities. Two number eights together create a portal, known as the Lionsgate. This year also have the profound grounding and balancing effect of "2020", which as you can likely sense the year, is a right of passage in and of itself. 2 is a number of partnership and balance, but sometimes it may also be the symbol of opposition or conflict. Ultimately 2 shows us that we are not separate and that everything is connected. Added together 2020 give us 4, which is a number with foundational energies. So in general, 2020 is helping us all to understand that we are all connected and supporting us in releasing the aspects of heaviness and toxicity in our world so that we can truly have a foundation with integrity. ![]()
I mention that the double 8 is often written and used in energy healing and energetic work as the "Len So My". Len So My brings in pure love and the highest vibrational energies possible. I have an image of the symbol to the left.
I also mention the role of Sirius in the grand cycle of time, sometimes called "The Great Year", also in sync with the Hindu Yuga Cycle. The grand cycle of time takes 24,000 years, with 12,000 years descending and 12,000 years ascending energies. The closer our sun gets to Sirius, the more and more light and high vibrational energies are able to be received by our planet. The image above shows the 24,000 year cycle and binary orbit of Sirius and our Sun. The image below shows the Hindu Yuga Cycle and The Great Year.
We have three energies converging into now powerful theme at the beginning of August 2020.
August 1st is Lughnasa, or La Lunasa, a Celtic and Wiccan celebration of abundance. Lughnasa is often presided of by Goddess Habundia or Habonde. We meet her in our mediation in today's podcast, and celebrate her in the online gathering August 2nd. (See link below for information to join us or to see the recording). August 2nd we have Sun square Uranus. which invites us to move beyond our ego and perceived/self created identity into a new and potentially infinitely powerful conception of ourselves as "high technology." High technology is the stead of Uranus, and with Habondia's energies we get to remember that not only are we always connected, but that we have everything we need, and we can attract and create anything we desire. It is merely a matter of remembering our own innate abilities and capacities and energetic beings. August 3rd we have a full moon in Aquarius. Aquarius is the sign of the future, of moving beyond the commonly held beliefs and ways of "the norm" and potentially stepping onto "weird" or alternative ways of being and understanding so that we can live a brighter and better future. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, so these two together with Habondia are tremendously supportive of our own personal "awakening" to our true nature and innate capacities. ![]()
You can find information to join the Lughnasa online gathering here and by clicking the image to the left. If you find this after August 2nd, you can access the recording via these links. Enjoy!
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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