This broadcast honors and captures the energies of the Day of the Dead, All Soul's Day, and Samhain.. to name a few of the holiday's that happen during the end of October and Start of November. It is believed that at this time, the buffer between what we as humans in 3d linear reality are accustomed to seeing and the magical, supernatural multidimensional reality that always exists is thin... many say "the veil is thin".. you can imagine a curtain of sorts shifting from opaque to become more and more translucent.. to that you can actually see through "the veil".
First a quote from Pythagoras as he saw the science of numbers was the basis for all things According to Pythagoras: "13 is the most enigmatic of all numbers, as it is the number of transformation." One of the messages that came through was the importance of remembering powerful information. Lets take for example the number 13: - I talk about the number 13 as goddess number and a number of magic.. - 13 holds great significance according to Kabbalah: the Hebrew words for love (ahava), care (de’aga), and one (echad) all have the numerical value of 13. - In music, the chromatic scale is composed of 13 notes 8 whole notes, which are represented by the white keys on the piano, and 5 half tones, which are represented by the black keys. The 13th note becomes the first and last note of the octave. - It is also captured in the Flower of Life... The image of The Flower of Life, which contains all of sacred geometry, is composed of 13 systems of information that come out of the fruit of life. Each of these 13 systems produces a set of geometries that delineate and describe in detail every single aspect of our reality. You get to these 13 systems of information by combining female energy with male energy. In sacred geometry, curved lines are female while straight lines are male. One of these thirteen systems is created by connecting the centers of all the spheres in the fruit of life. If you do, you come up with a figure known as Metatron’s Cube. There are so many other examples of sacred information that's able to be "rediscovered".. as in it was kept from the masses and/or been taught as a thing to fear... when in actuality these understandings hold the keys to our ascension here on the planet. I touch on the number 6 in the broadcast, as well as Halloween, the Egyptian Goddess Isis and the Antahkarana Symbol. The key to remember is that everything in the Universe is always in perfect balance.. we are remembering that balance.. so these powerful aspects that have been "forgotten" or "feared" are simply being brought to light.. so as to enable and allow a new level of balance and harmony.
Images of Antahkarana symbol mentioned and used in the broadcast:
Welcome to a super transformational and rebirthing death/life season!
First off, there's nothing to be afraid of. Scorpio is actually for everyone. I offer it as potentially the most powerful/potent sign of the zodiac. With all the alignments (discussed in broadcast) we are supported especially during the new moon on October 27th, but also throughout the season (which runs 10/23-11/21) in REBIRTHING. Second, I just put rebirthing in all caps.. because these energies are likely going to affect all of us with our eyes & hearts towards the renewal and birthing of our planet into light and harmony. This means simply that you should be open to both release and metamorphosis during this time (more in this is the broadcast). Third, as a culture we've been taught to fear death. When death can simply be seen as a move away from the outdated structures of the 3rd dimensional world and into the higher dimensions.. Potentially so was to rebirth with more alignment and power. Finally! The Goddess Magic course has been created and is ready to launch. If you feel called to what you see and read, I hope that you can cultivate the space to join us. It will be a 13 lunar month offering, in sync with la luna. More information can be found by clicking on the image below. ![]()
Every year our Earth and our Sun align with the star Arcturus. This alignment lasts for three days in April (16th -18th) and 3 days in October (16th - 18th), although the effects can be felt some time before and after.
Arcturus is a large star, check out the image below for its size relative to our Sun. It appears as the 4th brightest star in our night sky and has been known throughout ancient civilizations as a source of riches, honor, and justice through power. Arcturus was known by the late Edgar Cayce as the energy and intelligence from the 5th Dimension that holds the information needed to heal and uplift our planet Mother Earth. The unique alignment that happens each fall, provides a direct line of communication between Arcturus and our Sun. To us on earth, the Sun appears to block Arcturus. What is actually happening is this giant star is aligning and sending codes and information to us, through our Sun. This is ideal, as what comes to us through our own Sun is able to be taken in and integrated into ourselves and our planet.
The image below shows the particular alignment we are experiencing with this broadcast.. We have direct alignment with our Mother Earth, our Sun and Arcturus. As I mentioned in the podcast, it can seem like the Sun is blocking Arcturus. Instead, I offer that Arcturus is sending light codes and information through our Sun. Our Sun being the 'being' in our galaxy that is most able to process this information for us. So that we on Earth can take it in. Think of it as being able to instantly take in this information from Arcturus, as our Sun and honed it and downloaded and refashioned it so as to make it ideally 'digestible' or 'consumable' for us humans. It is essentially all three plants working in sync with each other so as to support this download of new information.
Arcturus and its relationship to the Big Dipper. These images are as seen in Spring in Northern Hemisphere.
Welcome to the rebirthing energies! The gateway of Corona Borealis on 10/10 as well as the full moon on 10/13 support us in continuing the journey of our soul's purpose and shedding old energies/outdated beliefs and behavior patterns so that we find alignment with our own highest good.
What's more we have the energies of the Goddess Ariadne support us in this release/death/rebirth process. Ariadne is associated with the constellation Corona Borealis, which translates into "the northern crown". This crown is what the Goddess Ariadne wears and was given by Dionysus. The podcast above includes information and offerings for the myths around Ariadne as well as a practice for release and renewal during these transformational times.
I also mention that I will be starting a 13 month course on Goddess Embodiment and Magic. Information is forthcoming and can be found by click the image below.
Welcome to the new upgraded version of Venus. She's got so much to teach and share with us us.. As we might remember from many lifetimes ago.. Also as this ancient/prehistoric carving reminds us. When you consider the powers of the goddess, do you feel the need to be tied up in day to day affairs of modern society? No. The head of this figure shows us such. These are the same round carvings that are seen in buddha statues.. depicting ascension and enlightenment. Venus is unique in that she is showing both her divine spiritual self in her head encircled with orbs of light as well as her human form and her humanity.. she is completely exposed. Which is potentially how we might feel with the squares that the Sun, Venus and Mars are forming to Pluto and Saturn in the course of the month of October.
The broadcast/podcast discusses these energies, how they relate to the broader course of our soul's journey... as the time is now to get ready. To prepare all aspects of ourselves .. our energetic field... for the bright future our heart and soul is called to create. |
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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