Welcome to the first new moon of the astrological new year! This year not only has the potential to be the most inspirational and transformational yet, but it also comes ripe with the invitation to clease, release and rebalance.
Luna is conjoined the sun (as always during a new moon) in Aries. We also have Mercury and Eris in Aries, supporting us in forward movement for positive and ultimately (many months down the road) revolutionary changes. ![]()
The primary focus of this podcast is acquainting us with Goddess Eris. She is both a recently discovered semi dwarf planet. Her discovery led the astronomical community to demote Pluto, a planet recognized as holding power in our solar system for a very long time, to a dwarf planet. I introduce a lens that we might look through to get a glimpse at the broad and oh so necessary power of the divine feminine as found in Eris. Also a nod to Pluto, who is unaffected by the idiosyncratic and go preserving moves of patriarchy/humanity.
The myth that we commonly know of Eris is that she was the only Goddess not invited to a wedding of the Gods (Peleus and Thesis) yet she showed up anyhow. Not admitted when she showed up, she didn't make too much of a raucous, she simply threw a golden apple into the crowd with the words "For the fairest". This spell of sorts caused the three goddesses present who felt they were legitimately the most beautiful (Hera, Aphrodite and Athena) to fight amongst themselves in an ego driven state, starting a battle that ultimately launched the Trojan war. Was Eris responsible for starting the war? I offer, No. Rather, it was the exposed ego of the squabbling goddesses that threw things into chaos. Eris, was simply pointing out the loss of unity consciousness among the gods and their ego & patriarchally leaning ways. She is here with us now to support us in retiring to unity consciousness. More on that in the podcast above! ![]()
Finally get ready for rebirth with the Sacred Earth Retreat!
I am happy to be able to offer a live in person retreat at Seeding Reciprocity retreat center this May 20-22, 2022! Information is forthcoming, you can find the schedule and reserve your space here or by clicking on the link to the right.
On March 18th we have a full moon in Virgo. This is the 6th full moon at 27 degrees of its sign, pointing us to a larger cycle of time beyond the lunar cycle herself. We are nearing the end of a deeply cleansing cycle, yet still invited to lean into the process of letting go and allowing things to be destabilized so as to ultimately be reborn.
This full moon is powerful in that it invites and welcomes the Jupiter Neptune conjunction in Pisces, which is exact on April 12th 2022. At this full moon, Jupiter and Neptune will be within 5 degrees of each other, which is what astrologers term "conjunct" The exact alignment happens on April 12th but the effects will ripple through the rest of 2022. In this broadcast I discuss how these energies are perfectly aligned with the Virgo Full moon, and why they are ushering us into an even deeper state of release, and ultimately moving through fear into love. ![]()
With this full moon we have Goddess Thalassa. A primordial Goddess of the sea, known to have given birth not only to elemental creatures of the sea, but potentially to all creatures everywhere (ourselves included :) Thalassa is unique in that she is somewhat untouched by greco-roman remodeling of more pagan and earth based goddesses.
Nevertheless, she is untouched in the sense that she was "forgotten". Forgotten means left out of 99% of the cultural writings that the modern western world hangs its hat upon. Being left out is somehow still on the same level of being slandered and labeled as evil. Yet, she was so big and vast, they could not take her out with one label.. so instead of slander or misnomer she was somehow just forgotten. This is where things get rich and juicy. We have only two accounts of Thalassa in Aesop's fables, in both accounts, as mentioned in the podcast, a sailor is cursing her for having caused death to his ship. In both cases, a large and voluptuous woman takes form and rises out of the sea to respond something akin to "Son, you are mistaken, I am as calm if not more calm than the land. You need to understand the element of Air. It was the wind with my water that caused that to happen." Perplexing even today she is speaking of the unseen forces that govern our world, and pointing us back to the laws of the universe and laws of creation. I hope that you enjoy this podcast!
Finally, for my email subscribers this month I have two special Thank YOUs!!! As I am so grateful for you :)
First, a virtually free oracle reading through March from my Etsy store below. This link and the image below should populate with a $6 discount. Second, a free online gathering for the March Equinox! Join my email list before the 20th of March and I will send you the info to join us live. We will be exploring the power centers of the Earth as they are coming online at this time. ![]()
On March 2nd we have a new moon in the sign of Pisces. This new moon has several astrological aspects that make it extra powerful and potent for supporting us in expanding into the power of our innate creativity. We have so much potential in our hands right now: as much as the word is in need of healing we have the opportunity for transformation!
I discuss in the podcast that there are seven quintiles in the chart for this new moon (three are highly unusual!) We are also at the beginnings of the Jupiter Neptune conjunction, which starts at this new moon and will be exact in April 2022. Suffice to say that this new moon will be giving us a glimpse into future potential and possibilities. ![]()
I focus in the podcast on the presence of the divine consort of St. Germain: Portia, Goddess of Justice and Opportunity. She is here with us now as we genuinely seek to right humanity's wrongs and to bring things back into the harmonious balance of right relations.
Portia plays an important part in the rebalancing of the divine masculine and feminine. She is the consort to St. Germain, the master of transmutation who offers the violet flame as a means of this endeavor. I discuss both of their energies in the podcast and offer an energetic healing meditation to invite Portia to enter into our 3d reality, as she is an ascended master occupying high realms. A bit about Goddess Portia: she is coming through right now because "the cycles of life have demanded that the scales of justice be balanced in preparation for the golden age, and since some among mankind had begun to request that divine justice be reestablished." Portia is the Goddess of Justice and Opportunity She is pointing us to first creating harmony and justice without ourselves, so that we might invite the the circumstance and magic of Opportunity. This new moon is the perfect seeding time. I hope that you can join me :)
Finally! I am opening up an online Oracle Store on Etsy, where I give readings on things like career, love and transformation as well as answer specific questions via tarot, oracle readings and in person sessions. As a Thank You to all my subscribers I am offering virtually free readings from now through the end of march in exchange for a review of my work on Etsy. The coupon link is below (code is BLESSED333). Please email me if you have any questions!
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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