Today we have a lovely conjunction between Black Moon Lilith, Chiron and our Moon.. also square the north and south nodes of the Luna. Pow!
I talk a bit about what these energies mean and how they might feel in the broadcast today. Also, we have the opportunity for the next 5 days play with these energies.. as I mention in the broadcast we are invited to become more aware of our dreams during this time.. as a gateway into our subconscious.. Black Moon Lilith and Chiron will be in a conjunction dance through this Sunday. So dig deep and enjoy the introspection and inner revelations that la luna is able to provide. A transmission from Black Moon Lilith: Lilith very well understands she has a questionable reputation on the planet right now.. As I mention in the broadcast, Lilith is a figure in Jewish mythology, developed earliest in the Babylonian Talmud. Lilith is often envisioned as a dangerous demon of the night, who is sexually wanton, and who steals babies in the darkness. Right now Lilith wants us to know that all of this is simply a reflection of our own shadow relationship to the Goddess. She can be as powerful as you/we/collectively want her to be. Lilith Images:
Chiron's energies are in alignment with this, in that he is able to show us the beautiful and powerful potential to remain in balance and in power and to harness our energy towards light.
Chiron Images:
Finally, a whisper mention to a new teaching/offering on Manifestation, Quantum Physics, and the Unified Field. Stay tuned.
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The winds of change are coming! We are getting the first dose of Aquarius with the New Moon on January 24, 2020. Many of us who have been earnestly moving through and healing the areas of our lives that are in need to transformation already for some wind in our sails! Well, its time! The Aquarian soft breeze is beginning to blow.... and this wind will be picking up speed as we navigate the waters of 2020 (*see dates with significant Aquarian energies below)..
Aquarius is exactly what we need right now.. Aquarius is innovation with the Air Element.. which means we will be supported in new ways of thinking, seeing and knowing our world.. We will also be support in creating entirely new structures for ourselves and for our bright future... this can likely feel little unsettling as we dismantle the old structures we will need to let go of our "security blanket" of what we know.. But this Aquarius new moon promises us that if we stay true to or heart, our soul and our own inner knowing we will be supported in creating a new bright and beautiful world. Hopefully the makes you feel ready for new horizons, new information and new ways of Being!
Egyptian Goddess Ma'at also came through during the broadcast, as a guide and guardian for us in navigating the Aquarian energies and breezes of change and transformation. I want to share with you some images and information about this beautiful goddess so that you can connect with her.
*Important Aquarian Dates in 2020:
~ Sun & Moon Mercury in Aquarius January 24, this new moon is Square to Uranus ~ March Saturn in Aquarius until early July ~ Moon in Aquarius August 3, this full moon will provide energy to reap the benefits of everything we've sown for past 6 months since January 24 new moon... So the full moon January 24th is a good time to consider planting new seeds as we are considering which behaviors to shift and how we can shine more brightly for ourselves and others! ~ Saturn and Jupiter enter Aquarius December 21 .. Take note, this is a BIG DAY! ![]()
We are in times of stepping into our own immense light. This sounds wonderful and easy.. Well, its definitely wonderful, but the amount of ease we feel is a reflection of how much we have been blocking ourselves from BEING LIGHT.
As I mentioned in an earlier broadcast, light and dark expand together.. as light expands dark expands.. and vice versa. It follows that as we vibrate lighter and brighter anything that's in the way or not resonating with that higher frequency is going to come up. For many, the Saturn Pluto conjunction was the touching point.. beginning to show us how we can move through our inner fears this year to become the light we are seeking. I have long been blessed by the goddess in today's broadcast: Palden Lhamo. Palden Lhamo is a goddess in Tibetan Buddhism. She is a version of goddess Tara.. she is often seen as the dark and scary version. I share in the broadcast how she is actually the most loving, compassionate and fierce protector of those who walk in light. She is the mother who can lift a car off her child to save their life. Her primary role is to protect us from our own fears. That is to say, to slay the darkness of ignorance, illusion and deception. While her primary function is actually to protect us from ourselves, in the process of inviting her in and asking for her help it can feel vary much like she is protecting us from the deeply scary aspects of what we see and feel in our everyday lives. I share Palden Lhamo's myth and offer a practice to support us creating a deep relationship with this Goddess. She is relevant and needed now more than ever. Her entire purpose is to serve and support us in freeing ourselves from everything that holds us back: beliefs, behaviors, people, situations.. you name it she's seen it before and here to see that we shine our light as BEINGS of LIGHT. Enjoy!
Additional Images of Palden Lamo:
We are heading out of the gates strongly in 2020!
January 10th brings a full moon & lunar eclipse in Cancer.. I talk about this in my broadcast, but expect your emotions to show you the way during these times... and learn work with them as they are a gateway into your intuition. January 12th we have Saturn and Pluto conjunct, which happens rarely. In fact we have a lot of rare things going on. The sheer number of planets in the sign of Capricorn has not happened for 700 years. Capricorn is cardinal, feminine earth energy... he/she is self disciplined and cultivating sound & practical long term goals. Also, this particular conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn has not happened for 500 years.. Suffice to say things might appear ordinary but these are not day-to-day dealings. The Saturn Pluto conjunction is supporting us to "press through".. the image I am getting as I write is that we need to continue because we believe in ourselves as creators... not because of external information and influences. We must always stay connected to our inner truth. Enter Goddess Centaur Chariklo: She is touching on Pluto purposefully during the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto for a reason... this reason is to awaken goddess consciousness as to awaken each of us as healers. Who is Chariklo? She is the wife of the wounded healer Chiron. For those who study astrology you know Chiron well.. For those who are new, he is the wounded healer... and he teaches us how our weakest links can ultimately become our strengths. He reminds us that we are on a great and sometime forlorned journey... and that even when we feel so alone,.. Ultimately we are everything we seek and we are always connected to everyone and everything. Chariklo is the wife of Chiron. She is the goddess who was able to hold space and support his healing journey. That is no small task, given that Chiron pretty much sought to heal all of the world on his journey. This woman, this wife, this goddess stood with him and supported him in remembering and actualizing his healing powers. Her birth chart to us on earth.. as in when the first human being discovered her existence/ when she first disclosed her existence to humanity is below. You will see that all expects of this chart are six pointed stars. The six pointed star, while a symbol within Judaism.. more broadly is seen as embodying the tenet: "As above, So Below" . ![]()
Welcome to the new decade of 2020!
We have some powerful energetic supports in activating and harnessing our consciousness as well as a portal for this entire this year. Let's begin simply with the significance of the year 2020. 2020 reduces to the number 4 (2+0+2+0=4). In the numerology tradition, 4 is seen as a number of stability.Other words that come to mind are integrity, practicality, devotion, hard work, determination, dignity, trust and worthiness. WOW.. That's a lot! But I hope that you can feel how powerfully well rounded all of those energies are. They are pointing us... into ourselves. We must first go inward in order to positively impact our external world. ![]()
2020 is also a mirror number. Just like 1111, we have two mirroring numbers. Mirror numbers invoke two pillars of the same energy. This is why this entire year will be a subtle but powerful portal. Different from the energy of the 4 above, the pillars and portal energy of 2020 is linked with the number 2 (and 20= 2+0=2). So we are within the dual energy of the number two for this year particularly. The number two is a Yin and feminine number.. it is also a number that points us to community, connectedness and universal conscsiousness. Anything and everything we can do to expand our understanding of oneness and create community. We must know that we are supported and that Now is that time.
This brings us the to the Jedi Mind! For me Jedi Mind means our ability to understand and harness our internal power. I've developed a super sweet and free mini course to support you in your Jedi Mastery Certification. I will circle back to this. For now the essentials are these: 1) This year 2020 is super powerful both for the year itself as well as for placing the energetic signature on the decade to come. 2) There might be some heavy lifting involved. Just know that's the case...If you knew it was going to be snowing, well then you'd simply pack your parka and snow boots. Same idea. 3) We are stationed to be the leading edge of consciousness. As I mention in the broadcast for today, light and dark will always expand in compliment to each other. Light and dark are in balance. This is a fundamental principle in physics and cosmology. Our primary task at the outset of this year is to access our power to create every moment. This means that we're not waiting around for some global crisis.. No way Jedi Jose!.. We know that WE GO FIRST... We seed the future with massive amount of light and love and healing energy. I hope that you can join me in this course :) |
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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