Welcome to March 2020!
Not only is 2020 a potent year (see post and broadcast in January), but March is a potent month. Venus is visible in the sky with the moon from the last days of February into March. Venus is also making a poignant conjunction and square as well as moving into one of her home signs early March.... As if doing an astrological dance to remind us of her presence and her potency. I spent some time in this broadcast exploring the deeper and potentially hidden myths of this Goddess... Venus is one of her names.. She is also Aphrodite and likely ask Ishtar, Inanna and Akkadian. As we consider the convergence of information around these goddesses.. how they are similar in their mystery... in their light and dark aspects.. we touch on a possibility that we are Her.. and that She is here always supporting us.
So who was and is Venus?
Venus was not only the goddess of love according to Greeks, she was Aphrodite to the Romans.. and both goddesses have the same primordial origin story. Below is the depiction I mentioned in the broadcast of Botticelli in Renaissance 1400's. He painted Venus as a goddess arriving from the sea she was birthed in and being greeted by earth/land goddesses.
I invite you to consider that Venus was also known as Ishtar, (Akkadian), and Sumerian Inanna. The following excerpt is adapted from Encyclopedia Britannica, and I found it interesting to share in it's own rite:
In Mesopotamian religion, Inanna was goddess of war and sexual love. Ishtar is the Akkadian counterpart of the West Semitic goddess Astarte. Inanna, an important goddess in the Sumerian pantheon, came to be identified with Ishtar, but it is uncertain whether Inanna is also of Semitic origin or whether, as is more likely, her similarity to Ishtar caused the two to be identified. In the figure of Inanna several traditions seem to have been combined: she is sometimes the daughter of the sky god An, sometimes his wife; in other myths she is the daughter of Nanna, god of the moon, or of the wind god, Enlil. In her earliest manifestations she was associated with the storehouse and thus personified as the goddess of dates, wool, meat, and grain; the storehouse gates were her emblem. She was also the goddess of rain and thunderstorms—leading to her association with An, the sky god—and was often pictured with the lion, whose roar resembled thunder. The power attributed to her in war may have arisen from her connection with storms. Ishtar’s primary legacy from the Sumerian tradition is the role of fertility figure; she evolved, however, into a more complex character, surrounded in myth by death and disaster, a goddess of contradictory connotations and forces—fire and fire-quenching, rejoicing and tears, fair play and enmity. The Akkadian Ishtar is also, to a greater extent, an astral deity, associated with the planet Venus.
Wow! Not a light topic this week. also... a very light filled topic :)
So we have a new moon in Pisces informed by the energies of Mars and Mercury... Mars is out of bounds (so extra extra extra MARS!) and Mercury is is retrograde in Pisces all of this month. What to do... Look within. Ultimately there is no other sage besides ourselves. Yet were are human and we need support in remembering this "sage self".. This is not necessarily a time for instant instagram fame.. (although that can happen too:) Truly it is a time to feel the support of the cosmos.. and a time for a support into deep introspection... Who am I? How have I gotten here? What are my lessons and what is my dream for the future. I spoke in the broadcast for today about how the energies around this new moon are also harkening back to the Solar Eclipse on December 26 2019. This new moon is a time for revisiting the themes that came up during that solar eclipse.. as there is another layer or level of healing and understanding available for us now. You can find the broadcast and information on this eclipse here. Finally! I mentioned in the broadcast that this new moon is really supporting us in some final energetic housekeeping and spring cleaning.. as in this is the last new moon before the big energetic shift of March 20, 2020.. Saturn has been in Capricorn for quite some time.. showing us how much heavy lifting needs to be done in order to create the world we want to see.. Starting March 21st, and through July 1st Saturn will enter Aquarius.. With Saturn in Aquarius we will be able to transcend time and space and really hop onto our magic carpet and see things move quickly towards innovation, progress, high technology ad collective action. This short time (March 20-July 1) will really just be a preview to a larger cycle that will truly solidify from December 17, 2020 through March 7, 2023. Bottom line this new moon in a really good time to dive deep and experience a double re-birth!
February 14 is not only a celebration of Love, it is World Sound Healing Day!
In the broadcast for today I talk about what sound healing is and how it works, also play crystal singing bowls in an ongoing mediation. In the middle of the practice we also practice vocal toning, in the frequency of the heart. I hope that you enjoy this broadcast again and again!
In the broadcast I also said I would provide more information on Solfeggio and its origins:
To the left you will find an image of "the Guidonian Hand" ... as I mention in the broadcast, 11th century, an Italian Benedictine monk, Guido of Arezzo created this in order to teach people to sing Gregorian chants. Gregorian chant is a form of unaccompanied sacred song with its roots in the Roman Catholic Church. It developed mainly in western and central Europe during the 9th and 10th centuries, with later additions and redactions. Guido worked with what was then known as the Solfege (which is where the world Solfeggio originates from). The Solfege express a musical scale. In our modern day this scale is "do, re, mi, fa, so, la ,ti, do." In its original form, originating from Giudo, “ut (rather than do), re, mi, fa, so, la.” The origins of this sequence can be found in Hymn to St. John the Baptist... as it is derived from the first syllable of each half-line of this Hymn. Ut queant laxis resonare fibris Mira gestorum famuli tuorum, Solve polluti labii reatum, Sancte Iohannes. Which translates as "So that your servants may, with loosened voices, resound the wonders of your deeds, clean the guilt from our stained lips, O Saint John." Many also the Solfege descended from an even more ancient work by Horace, an 8th century BC Roman poet. In modern times we have "do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti do.” ... And if you've ever watched The Sound of Music you will be familiar with the song: Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Far, a long, long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow Sew Tea, a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh) Gregorian chants (in the Solfege scale) have a measurable influence on human psychology and physiology. Those who perform the chants experience the lowest heart rates and blood pressure of the day while singing, according to Dr. Alan Watkins, a neuroscience lecturer at Imperial College, London. Some listen to chant recordings to enter trance states — others to relieve disease symptoms or depression. Sister Ruth Stanley, a Benedictine nun and head of complementary medicine at Minnesota’s St. Cloud Hospitals, observed that patients who listened to chant and “Plein song” experienced relief from chronic pain.
Benefits of the Solfeggio Frequencies:
Dr. Joseph Puleo, a physician and herbalist, began exploring the Solfeggio in the 1990s. He developed a theory that each of the six frequencies carried precise characteristics, and that the tones could be used therapeutically. In 1988, Biochemist Glen Rein, Phd, converted and recorded Solfeggio scale Gregorian chants to scalar audio waves. The results were played to test tubes containing DNA. By measuring UV light absorption, Rein could document the effect of the music on DNA. He also compared the chants with other forms of music, including rock. While rock music had little or no influence, the chants caused a marked increase of light absorption, up to nine percent, leading Rein to conclude that Solfeggio scale sound frequencies cause resonance in DNA, and may have healing properties. Since then, others have explored the healing potential of the Solfeggio frequencies. According to an article in Anti-Aging Medical News (Winter 2006), pulsed frequencies had a positive impact on osteoporosis. In another study, snails exposed to a range of frequencies, including some in the Solfeggio range, became more focused and active compared to a control group. “It was evident that exposure enhanced the creative capacity of the brain in snails,” the author wrote. A Japanese study published in 2018 examined the stress reducing effect of 528 hz (MI or E) on the endocrine system. The researchers concluded that 528 hz music has “an especially strong stress-reducing effect, even after only five minutes of exposure.”
You might be asking: "What is timeline acceleration?"
Let's start by coming onto the same page about what a timeline is. You've likely had the experience of planning an event, or having a deadline at work.. where everything leading up that that event or deadline was thought about and acted upon based on the date and time that was set in place. This is a mundane example but it serves as a starting point.. In linear time everything (your time and attention, as well as that of others) gets oriented to that event. Time passes.. and POOF that event transpires. Hardly, magical you say... that's because this is the mundane type of magic.. the "I'll believe it when I trust it and see it" type of manifestation. You've had enough experience with time and gravity and the world at large to know that you can trust that when everyone knows to arrive at 12.30pm on Tuesday they will.. and then they do. Here a timeline is simply all the circumstances that line up, over the course of time, to lead to manifestation or creation of an event. But what about the timeline for moving and buying that new house? Or arriving to a place where you feel clear and calm and powerful? Things are getting less concrete and the idea of timeline becomes more like to be filled with "But... what if's" of fear and unknown in our mind. Let alone the timeline of us truly aligning with our soul's highest purpose... That timeline is ultimately where we are headed! If we consider that the timeline is already in place (if we want it to be) for any of these future events.. that as the Law of Attraction holds that all we need to to is ask, and the Universe will take care of everything.. Then we can reorient our vision and attention away from linear time and consider that even when it looks like nothing is happening, there is much happening that we cannot see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears. This is how things are able to arrive in our lives at just the right time... what we often call Synchronicity.
So now we have it that a timeline is simply a combination of things that happen in our 3d world over time, which ultimately create a certain physical reality. The timeline for having a lovely garden involves buying or saving seeds, planting them at the proper time, watering them and watching the sprout and grow.. and ultimately harvesting their fruits. A timeline for truly aligning with our soul's highest purpose might look like spending time discovering some energetic healing modality, meditation, rearranging of a few relationships in our life, potentially moving to a new town, and/ or joining a local or online group to talk about our experiences with like minded (and hearted people).
It follows that timeline acceleration is, at it most simple, the speeding up of the time between events on a time line.. So instead of it taking 6 years align with our soul's highest purpose, it might take only 6 months. In our 3d world, we have the experience of things happening more quickly... more synchronicities... more often. In my understanding this is because of two things: First - our own decision to say "Yes" and to step into alignment with what is being offered by the universe. We always have free will and the universe can only present us with opportunities to say "Yes". Second - the energies that are present on our planet are able to support more light, more love, more magic because .. ultimately we are as a planet on the upswing to what Plato termed "The Great Year" and what Hindu's call the Yuga Cycle.. which is a 24,000 year cycle of time where humanity continually descends into darkness/separation and then raises their consciousness back to light. When lighter and brighter energies are able to be present on our planet, we have the experience of timeline's accelerating.. as we choose to release heavy energies of separation and fear and allow in the understandings and energies of oneness we experience this sense of things picking up speed. I have thus far experienced and come to know these periods of acceleration as times when the planet is receiving more light, and information, or upgrades in energy. As a result of the new infusion of light and information that comes from out central sun, we see and understand our world differently, and are often able to tune into the messages from the universe more often.
Upcoming course on Quantum Co-Creation:
On February 14th my course in Quantum Co-Creation begins. This is a three week online course to help you harness your consciousness to manifest your soul's purpose. This course has been such a thrill to create! It is a combination of many recent scientific studies, together with ancient metaphysical tenets, and Laws of the Universe. You can learn more about it here. Also note, that while February 14th is the Launch date, the course will be available to you whenever you want to signup for it. And once you enroll you have all of eternity to takeout at your own pace, to go back and review materials and really to make it your own class. I hope that you can join me on this journey! |
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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