Welcome in, and feel surrounded by the invigorating, refreshing and expansive energies of this New Moon in the sign of Sagittarius.
Having just come through the intense energies of eclipse season, culminating in tremendous fixed energy of the Total Lunar Eclipse on November 8, we are now in a time of expansion and new horizons. We have seven planets in mutable signs during this new moon, offering us a deeper understanding of the truly malleable nature of our reality. Now more than ever we are invited to remember that this physical world is not real, it not set in stone, we are hardly stuck! Instead, our 3d reality is a product of ur collective and individual vibrations of the past, leading us to this "now" moment. This means that everything we are vibrating about today will absolutely create our future! I discuss the astrological aspects at play in the podcast as well as in the YouTube video below.
I felt the nudge to share more information about Egyptian Goddess Nut (pronounced "newt"). She is generally known as the Goddess of the sky and heavens, who gave birth to 5 children in 5 days: Osiris, Isis, Seth, Nephthys, and Horus. Prior to her birthing these revered members of the Egyptian Pantheon, the ancient Egyptian calendar consisted of only 360 days in a year, had twelve months of thirty days and twenty-four hours within those days. With the extra 5 days of time created on her behalf, we have creating the solar calendar as we know it today, 365 days.
In a broader view, Nut is the Goddess of the sky, stars, cosmos, mothers, astronomy, and the universe. The Universe! A sacred symbol of Nut was the ladder used by Osiris to enter her heavenly skies. This ladder-symbol was called maqet and was placed in tombs to protect the deceased, and to invoke the her aid as a guardian of souls from the physical world to other worlds. Nut and her consort, Geb, may be considered enigmas in the world of mythology. In direct contrast to most other mythologies which usually develop a sky father associated with an Earth mother (or Mother Nature), Nut personified the sky and Geb the Earth. I hope that you enjoy the podcast and video! Also, the Lunar Herbal Alchemy Calendars are here! They are being shipped out in sync with this new moon. Check them out here and by clicking the image below :)
Welcome to the only total lunar eclipse of 2022. Positioned perfectly in Scorpio season, this Bood Moon Eclipse offers energetic support for us to digging deeper.
We are invited to revisit our notion of ourselves as energetic creators, stay committed and ultimately also release to the unknown. The ultimate message with this eclipse is "You don't know what you don't know." This eclipse has a lot of fixed energy, which can feel formidable. Fixed at first looks and feels "immovable". The magical component comes in precisely HOW MUCH fixed energy we have here , supporting us in taking a higher vision of what fixed energy means. Fixed typically feel blocked or stuck. Fixed from a higher octave or energetic standpoint means digging deep and standing strong. Scorpio and other signs are helping us to do this. ![]()
In the podcast for this event I discuss the myth and legend of Goddess Epona, a Celtic & Roman Goddess of horses, fertility, healing and animals in general. The earliest we know of her is her worship in Gaul. However we do not know very much about her these early origins. Other than she was a central goddess to the Celtic and Aquitani tribes of Gaul.
The image at right is a relief depicting this horse goddess. She flies above other winged creatures (horses and men) who are above what looks like human kind, women gathered around hearth, with serpents and other animals below them. She is perfect emissary for the fixed energies of this eclipse. As she is available for healing of all kinds as well as supporting us in our remembering that we are inherently creative beings. We are invited to step up and offer our creativity to the collective with this eclipse!
The lunar herbal Alchemy Calendar is officially published! 140+ pages of full color inspiration. Think of it as your weekly planner with rituals and energetic information to support you in working with each unique lunar cycle. I've created an intro video below. You can purchase planners via this link. They will be mailed the end of November!
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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