November 27th brings an energetically pivotal full moon. For those who are on a healing uplifting path of service and oneness, the pivot will not only be easy, it has the potential to bring good fortune through January. For those on a path of fear and separation, that pivot might feel challenging. I discuss how the energetics highlight a need for us to deeply rely on our own energetic sense of things.. our own intuitive understanding of the truth, our ability to see beyond the mundane when needed, so that we can serve and be prosperous in our service.
The good news is "service" as I understand it is actually quite easy. It asks us to simply be and stay connected to the whole and willing to do what resonates for the collective. By doing that, the good karma flows tremendously. This is the message of this new moon, and by now you can probably feel the dissonance of this message with what we are taught in the modern world: to march along, fear, horde and separate. It is worth noting that all of this is MOTIVATED BY FEAR OF NOT HAVING ENOUGH. This full moon will likely bring some realizations around these themes, also good fortune in the ways that we are willing to consider ourselves as part of a universal consciousness and collective ecology.
In the podcast I say something along the lines of:
"With these energies we are potentially lucky/fortunate to be able to understand complexities.. things that would bring others to shut down in fear are somehow interesting, Interesting in that we can see that we are blessed with the ability to realize that the fear is not the answer .. that there is more to be understood." I wanted to spend a little bit of time in the blog unpacking the need for boundaries and offering a new understanding of them. First, we live in a chaotic world, (on a few or many levels, depending on how you view things) and this chaos necessitates the need to not get taken over, the need for us to recognize how we feel and to take ownership of our understandings via healthy boundaries. This is where I find that things are interesting right now with the Neptune Pars Fortunae conjunction in Pisces: we are being told/invited to remember to rely on ourselves and our intuition for an understanding of what is true. SO, in the past boundaries may have been things that are hard and fast, if we look to the modern Webster definition of boundary: "something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent." I offer in this podcast and with this full moon that we are supported in remembering that we should trust our intuition for day to day and moment to moment understandings of "boundaries" .. that this sense of boundaries is part of our sovereignty and divinity. Noone but you can choose what is true. Own that. Receive power from that. Join us in January 2024 for the Lunar Herbal Alchemy Collective. Blessings to you, Lisa
We have a new moon in the secretive, passionate sign of Scorpio, supporting us in remembering the truths beneath the surface. Interestingly (also ironically?) these are truths that are likely also in plain sight, right in front of us to remember. One of these truths is that we are inextricably connected to everything in our world. The other is that we can look to sacred geometry for a deeper understanding of how and why this is the case. In my own experience with sacred geometry, it is less about the mathematical proofs (although I am grateful for those who did the legwork to give our modern minds scientific/mathematical "proof"), instead it is more about the visualization of "how" and "why" all things might be interconnected.
One of my favorite authors on the topic of sacred geometry is James Ross Godbe, author of Still Point: The Geometry of Consciousness. James speaks of sacred geometry in mathematical terms, but he also offers stunning visualizations that connect the vector equilibrium, the vesica piscis, the great pyramid in Egypt, with the flower of life.. and then also to the size orbit and orientation of the sun, moon and earth. His body of work is impressive to say the least! I recommend checking out his book if you have the inclination. FOr now, I want to share James' words about the nature of the flower of life: "There is a primal geometry that is the blueprint of all that Is. It is called the Stillpoint...Vector Equilibrium or Flower of Life. 12 points around 1... all vectors or distances between points being equal. It is the primal geometry that defines a still... point... that doesn’t exist. It is, scientifically speaking, Fundamental to the genesis of the Universe. Just as consciousness itself, it is basic, inherent, and essential to the genesis of our Universe, the Stillpoint geometry is the Geometry of Consciousness." ![]()
For our purposes with this new moon, a deeper understanding of how and why the planets and other celestial bodies move and are connected support us in receiving the downloads from them when they magically appear in an astrology chart. With this new moon we have Ceres, Mars, the Moon, and the Sun in a fairly tight conjunction. Conjunctions are simply a combination and emphasis of the energies involved. Depending on the planets and other bodies involved they can be flowing or challenging.
I offer in the podcast that they are here to support us in being activated, uplifted into flowing versus challenging energetics. I also invited us to look at the experiences and events in our lives around this time and theme using the lens that if there are challenges, to "flow" with them and take them as signs that there is a simpler or higher vibration way to seeing or doing things. The link between Ceres, Demeter and Shakti is also fundamental to feel into. We know of Ceres as the Greek counterpart to Roman Demeter, both commonly known as goddess of the harvest, fertility, womanhood. We may not know that this goddess also presided over the sacred law, the cycle of life and death, she was goddess of the seasons. When we remember and rediscover that Demeter literally means “Earth Mother” we begin to scratch the surface of her true significance and power. We can also look to the symbol used to represent Ceres for more clues, you can find the symbol at right. In Vedic Astrology, this glyph represents The Great Divine Mother in Hinduism. The Great Divine Mother was also known as Shakti, the divine feminine counterpart to divine masculine God Shiva. Shakti "means “power, strength, might, energy, or capacity.” To my understanding, Shakti is a fundamental concept within the Hindu Tradition. It represents the divine feminine, and is typically associated with the mother goddess. According to the Hindu tradition, Shakti is responsible for the universe's creation, maintenance, and destruction. |
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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