Eclipse season 2020 is here! Can you feel the subtle but profound shifts? As I mention in the podcast for this event, were are in a "Ring of Fire" energy, supporting us to melt and shed old energies that don't really serve.
This can feel intense (especially at first!) but thankfully with the convergence of Solstice energy we have a 'cooling' transformational effect. ![]()
Summer Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) is the lightest and brightest day of the year. For the Druids and Calts, this day was ruled by Aine, Goddess of the Sun, Goddess of Fertility and Love, Goddess of the Fairy Kingdom. Aine was revere for her ability to lovingly and fiercely protect herself and the fairy kingdom. I include her myth and legend in the podcast above.
She as also understood to be the giver of grain and seed, the one who protects and communes with fairies. I love the image to the left, when I lookout it I can viscerally feel this fairy goddess calling in all of her tribe.
A tribe of elemental spirits that commune with and support the natural world. A tribe that we would be well suited to remember and seek companionship! In the podcast you will find them in full light bright energy. For this posting, I feel called to share the a bit more about Goddess Aine. Aine is often viewed today as a Celtic goddess of love. But she was also a deity of wealth, sovereignty, and the summer. Her sensitive and joyful personality brought her many followers in the Celtic world. The heart of her cult was located in Limerick, Ireland, though her fame spread like the sun’s rays over many other regions. Associations between Aine with Venus, Aphrodite, and any other love deity are vague. She was a very complex goddess. One may assume that the goddess of love would have had bright and happy myths surround her, however the legends about Aine have some dark but powerful aspects that I share in the podcast. I understand these to be stories of the Goddess' reaction and integration with patriarchy. Which thankfully is something that we aren now able to mend and heal. ![]()
In sync with Summer Solstice, I will be offering a full day online virtual retreat on June 21 from 9 AM to 4 PM. The event is free, you can donate is you feel called. It is offered to support Seeding Reciprocity, the nonprofit that will change how we view earth, land, water, fire, air, money and prana. You can pre-register for the online retreat here, as well as by clicking the image to the left.
6/21/2020 06:50:23 pm
Thank you Carol! Have a blessed Solstice :)
6/19/2020 08:08:12 am
Thank you Lisa. I awakened in a dream of sparkling rainbow lights in the Amazon rainforest & now I know they were faeries. As I greeted this new day on our deck as the sun rose, I was filled with a wave of grief for our world. Spending time with the sunrise at Stonehenge with the faeries is helping me have more balance. Deeply grateful to have been introduced to the faeries in this way.
6/21/2020 06:52:26 pm
Hello Linea!
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