We have the convergence of some pretty powerful energies in this broadcast! Sirius is in the midst of it's Helical rising; Venus and Pluto are in opposition in Cancer and Capricorn, respectively. I talk about the unique and dark/light harnessing powerful aspects to both of these planetary combinations in the broadcast. What I want to focus on here is the grounding down of the message of a great prophet, healing master, some know him as the Son of God or the embodiment of Christ Consciousness.. Jesus' energy and message align perfectly within all of this. There's so much to say! I think the energies of the broadcast capture it best, but I share the images and some essentials below.
Jesus' birth was predicted/heralded/known to the Magi. The Gospel of Matthew writes that three Wisemen followed a star to greet him and celebrate his birth. I mention a link between the Three Magi/Three Kings and the Star they were seeking. It's important to note that several traditions associate the Three Kings/Magi with the three stars in Orion's belt. Check out the image below for information on what the many cultures have converged upon regarding the three stars in Orions Belt.
The three stars in Orions belt, according to both ancient and modern astronomy, point to the star Sirius. As always, take what feels good for you from what I am offering & leave the rest. I am not claiming to offer the truth for everyone, I am only sharing what I sense and see. For this broadcast what I was shown was that the Three Magi, as the three stars of Orion's belt were following the star Sirius in order to arrive to meet the being named Jesus. Because they followed this star, Sirius, in order to find their next prophet, Sirius was a signaling of the energies Jesus was grounding down onto our planet. In far left field perhaps for many.. I offer that Jesus came from this Central Sun, Sirius. The broadcast hopefully explains this in a way that can energetically be received.
Towards the end of the broadcast, I mention a man from the 1700's who was a musician and physicist. His name escaped me at the moment; his name is Earnst Chladni. From Wikipedia: "His most important work, for which he is sometimes labeled the father of acoustics, included research on vibrating plates and the calculation of the speed of sound for different gases."
I just love that Earnst Chladni used plates of sand and payed musical notes over them.. to find that each note, not only had its own unique geometrical configuration, but that the space in between the notes was chaos. For me, he documented that chaos IS the sign of emergence.
Mereki Rose
5/8/2020 04:49:41 pm
Hello Haley, I really connected and resonated with your talk about Jesus and him originating from Sirius .... I have been receiving my own communications about this. I tend to validate my thoughts with google and many sites say he is Venusian and that Venus is the morning star and the star that lead the three wise men to bethlehem. But I tend to resonate more with the Sirian lineage. I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy listening to your podcasts and get a lot out of them so thank you. Mereki Rose
Vadim Krakovsky
9/1/2024 12:03:33 pm
Jesus was born on July 27, 7 BCE. This day is beginning of the Egyptian Sotic year, year of Sirius. It is time when the Sun enters sign of Leo, a week after Sirius heliacal rising. You may find details in my article “The Maternus Code” on academia.edu
1/23/2024 02:20:30 pm
Sirius Starseed Class of 66, reporting from Earth! The Truth Will Set Us All Free! But can Others Who Still Sleep understand it? Much Love All God Bless
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