As we step into September, we are invited to embrace the Virgo New Moon taking place on the 2nd of the month. This celestial event marks a potent time for seeding transformation and new beginnings. The new moon in Virgo offers a unique energy, distinct from the vibrant and full illumination of the recent full moon. It’s a time for planting seeds, setting intentions, and focusing on the transformative opportunities that lie ahead. This particular new moon is anchored in the sign of Virgo, known for its connection to community, service, and practicality, encouraging us all to reflect on our routines, wellbeing, and how we can better serve both ourselves and the collective.
I spend time in the podcast delving into the astrology of the moment. I want to use this blog post to explore the myth and energetic of goddess Astraea. She an important aspect of the constellation Virgo as the goddess of purity and service. In the pantheon of Greek mythology, where gods and goddesses embody various human virtues and vices, Astraea stands out as a symbol of justice, purity, and a vision for a fairer world. Often associated with the constellation Virgo, Astraea's story is not just a tale from ancient times; it offers a powerful message that resonates with contemporary feminist values. Today, we explore Astraea's mythological significance and how her legacy can inspire modern movements for gender equality and social justice. Astraea: The Virgin Goddess of JusticeAstraea, whose name translates to "star-maiden" or "star-goddess," was a daughter of the Titans Astraeus and Eos. She is most renowned for her role as the personification of justice and innocence. In mythology, Astraea lived among humans during the Golden Age, a time when society was free from crime and corruption. Her presence was a testament to a world where justice prevailed, and it was during this utopian era that she was revered for her unwavering commitment to fairness. However, as humanity fell from grace, descending into the chaos of the Silver and Bronze Ages, Astraea became disillusioned. The pervasive dishonesty and injustice of these later eras drove her away from the mortal realm. According to myth, she ascended to the heavens, where she became the constellation Virgo, serving as a celestial reminder of the ideals of justice and purity that she once embodied. Astraea’s Divine Feminine LegacyAstraea's story is more than a myth; it serves as a profound symbol for feminist movements advocating for justice and equality. Here's how Astraea's legacy can inspire and align with contemporary feminist ideals: 1. Championing Justice and FairnessAstraea’s commitment to justice is emblematic of the feminist fight for a fair society. In a world where gender inequality, systemic discrimination, and social injustices still prevail, Astraea’s ideals remind us of the ongoing struggle to create a just world. Her unwavering dedication to fairness encourages us to challenge the status quo and advocate for equal rights and opportunities for all genders. 2. Symbol of ResilienceAstraea’s departure from Earth symbolizes the frustration of those who strive for justice in a world that frequently falls short. Yet, her ascension also represents hope and resilience. For feminists, Astraea is a figure who reminds us that even when progress seems elusive, maintaining our commitment to justice is crucial. Her story inspires us to continue our efforts, even when faced with setbacks and challenges. 3. Embodiment of Virtue and IntegrityIn an era where women's voices are increasingly recognized, Astraea’s embodiment of virtue and integrity serves as a model of principled leadership. As we each embody the harmonic of divine masculine and divine feminine, Astraea offers us the energetic of what it means to BE OF SERVICE to the collective as well as to ourselves. 4. Celestial InspirationAs the constellation Virgo, Astraea represents a cosmic ideal of justice and purity. This celestial aspect serves as a reminder that the quest for equality is a universal endeavor. The Divine Feminine, much like the stars, is a guiding force that transcends geographical and temporal boundaries. Astraea’s presence in the night sky symbolizes that the pursuit of collective cosmic justice is a timeless and universal aspiration. Moving Forward: Embracing Astraea’s LegacyAs we navigate the complexities of modern society, Astraea’s legacy can serve as a beacon for those striving for gender equality and social justice. Her story invites us to reflect on our commitment to fairness and to envision a world where the principles she personified are realized. By embodying Astraea’s virtues—justice, resilience, and integrity—we can contribute to a more equitable society and continue to push for progress in our own time. In celebrating Astraea, we honor not just a mythological figure but a powerful symbol of the ongoing struggle for justice. Her story reminds us that while the journey toward equality may be long and arduous, it is a path worth pursuing, guided by the enduring light of principles that transcend time and space. Join me Oct 2 - Oct 31 for a 28 day Reciprocity Challenge to seed our planet with grace, love and light!
Navigating the Energetic Shifts &
Harnessing Divine Energies for Personal and Collective Transformation The Aquarius Super Full Moon, which is exact on August 19, 2024, is a powerful event promises intense energetic shifts that beckon us towards personal empowerment, transmutation, and the harmonizing of divine masculine and feminine energies. Here’s a deep dive into the key themes discussed in this illuminating episode. Preceding Astrological Alignments: Setting the Stage Before we experience the full moon’s illumination, we have two significant astrological events setting the precedent: the Mars-Jupiter conjunction and the Mars-Saturn square on August 14 and 15, respectively. These alignments stir energies of action, expansion, limitation, and structure, preparing us for the full moon’s potent themes. The Mars-Jupiter conjunction encourages bold, expansive actions inspired by higher wisdom and truth, while the challenging Mars-Saturn square urges us to balance our drive with discipline, and responsibility. This rendezvous of contrasting energies lays the groundwork for the personal and collective transformations ready to emerge. You can find a deep dive on my YouTube channel here as well as below! The Dynamics of the Full Moon: Squaring Energies and Jupiter-Saturn Integration The Aquarius Super Full Moon’s celestial theater involves intense squaring energy. Notably, two T-squares — geometric alignments in astrology that occur when two planets in opposition form 90-degree angles with a third planet, creating a triangle — amplify the transformative potential. The presence of Jupiter squaring Saturn in Aquarius is significant; this planetary dance is a continuation of cyclic squares that began in 2020 and will reoccur in December 2024 and June 2025. Historically seen as a fortunate alignment, Jupiter squaring Saturn embodies the principle of integrating lofty, visionary ideas into the grounded, physical reality. It symbolizes breakdowns that lead to breakthroughs, urging us to transcend limiting beliefs and structures. This aspect is a celestial invitation to clear away the old paradigms and make way for innovative, more aligned ways of being and operating in the world. Balancing the Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies One of the most profound aspects of this lunar event is the emphasis on rebalancing divine masculine and feminine energies, highlighted by the interplay of the two T-squares. The first features the Sun and Moon squaring Uranus, which could provoke sudden insights and revolutionary shifts in personal and collective consciousness. The second T-square involves Venus, Mars, Jupiter, as well as an opposition to Saturn, emphasizing the harmonization of action (Mars), beauty and love (Venus), expansion (Jupiter), and karma/structure (Saturn). Collectively, these alignments spotlight the need for integrating the outer (masculine) and inner (feminine) aspects of our nature. It’s a cosmic call to realign our actions with our values, allowing a balanced flow of dynamic creative energy and receptive nurturing energy. Guided Meditation: Harmonizing Internal Energies To anchor these transformative energies and facilitate personal growth, I offer listeners a powerful meditation. This meditation focused on harmonizing the divine masculine and feminine within oneself. Listeners were encouraged to visualize and embody a balanced state where assertiveness meets compassion, and ambition is tempered with intuition. Meditation practices like these are valuable tools during potent lunar events, assisting individuals in aligning with the cosmic energies for optimal personal and collective evolution. They help participants internalize the integration processes, enabling them to act from a place of balanced power and love. The Aquarius Super Full Moon on August 19, 2024, is a crucible for transformation, urging us to harness celestial energies and embody the harmonious balance of divine polarities. As we integrate these shifts, let’s contribute positively and creatively, in alignment with the greater evolution of consciousness. Tune into *Everything Is Energy Podcast* for more insights, and allow the stars to guide your journey towards an empowered and balanced existence.
The new moon in Leo on August 4th carries with it not only a potent dose of divine feminine karmic rebalancing energy, but It also ushers us into the center of the Lion's Gate Portal. Those are both big themes that deserve to be sussed out, so let's get to it!
Lion's Gate Portal: This is an annual occurrence, which takes place this year from 7/26/2024 through 8/12/2024, with the energy peaking on 8/8/2024. I emphasize 2024 here because the Lions Gate is usually known to be the 8|8 portal toward the expansion of consciousness. However this year being 2024, which reduces to 8 in numerology, gives us an 8|8|8 portal. I offer here that even if we don't take any astrology into consideration (which we will :) the numerology alone is telling us something. 8|8|8 is an alignment to connect us with the infinite expansion of consciousness. 8 is also the symbol for infinity. Infinity tells us not only that everything always is in balance, but also that we live in a limitless universe. If you look at the differnce between 8|8 as it is written, the two 8's are aligned as a portal within themselves. However if you look at 8|8|8, there is an infinite portal in the center of that portal that already exists. That is simultaneously a numerological and metaphorical way to say we're going to be able to tap into infinite consciousness during the Lion's Gate portal this year! I sense if you're reading this you already feel the call and the desire to make that connection, the connection to unity consciousness and oneness which is what the infinite brings us back to when we are connected to it. It is important to note that the Lion's Gate is an alignment between Earth, Sirius, and Orion. Here we are invited to remember the significance of Orion and Sirius in ancient Egyptian Cosmology. Not only is it commonly known that the way to find Sirius in the night sky is to use the stars of Orion's belt and continue the alignment, but the star shafts inthe King's Chamber of the Great Pyramid aligned to capture the energetic transits of both Sirius and Orion.
Divine Feminine Karmic Rebalancing:
We will be well suited during this new moon to embrace the transit of Eris with Chiron that takes place in sync with it. I offer here that Eris has a bit of a misunderstood or misinterpreted reputation due to the penchant that Greco-Roman civilizations had for commandeering powerful archetypes for their own interest. The Divine Masculine and DIvine Feminine have both been misrepresented. I discuss the myth of Eris at length in this new moon's podcast, so definitely have a listen! The theme from the Western and Greco-Roman world centers around positioning Eris as Goddess of discord, war and casual revenge. I offer instead that Eris, as the divine feminine counterpart to Pluto, is equally scary to those who need a "karmic adjustment". While Pluto is preparing to take one last cleansing dip into Capricorn this November, Eris has been in Aries since we and humans discovered her in 2005. This means we may have some pretty powerful downloads come through around this new moon, as she is conjunct Chiron in Aries. This aspect I suggest is a powerful one because we really don't know much about Eris' energetic from a human experience in 3d perspective. We discovered her less than 20 years ago! Also, outer planets move so slowly that they are often termed "generational planets" because their major transits and shifts affect humanity in generations (compared to mercury retrograde which happens multiple times every year). In closing I want to sum up what Eris conjunct Chiron in Aries might mean. Chiron can on some levels be metaphorically seen as our "achilles heel." Not only in the myth was Chiron's achilles wounded in battle, thereby resulting in his lifelong quest for personal healing.. which resulted in his learning and sharing the healing arts to many many many people, but Chiron's myth points us to the service we do when we tend to our own shadow so that we can offer light to the world. Eris is here to possibly enlighten us as to how we are being blocked by our ego, pride, deeper fear or insecurity. Whatever arises, look for the lessons of release and transformation, and remember that your healing journey has always been one of uplifting and expanding energy!
Join my email list to be part of the Heart Alchemy Gathering on August 15, 2024. I will discuss the "why" of this date including the three transits that will have a palpable effect on our collective. I will also offer an overview of the Heart Alchemy practice and guide us into a global healing circle.
Also please check out my YourTube offering for a Deep Dive in understanding the impact of Eris through history here.
On July 21st at 3:17am pacific time we have the second Capricorn full moon in a row. These consecutive full moons both happen at the anoretic degrees of the sign of Capricorn. Anoretic degrees include 0-2 degrees from sign changes in Astrology. Depending on who you talk, read or listen to, that makes anything potentially between 2, 1, 0, 29, and 28 degrees potentially having an "Anorectic energy". Anarotic degrees, I believe, offer us the experience of metamorphosis, though the turning into a butterfly aspect really depends upon how we are able to navigate and embrace the process of letting go and allowing.
Luna is at 29 degrees and 9 minutes Capricorn on July 21 for this full moon (remember that she was at 1 degree and 08 seconds on June 21st). The 29th degree of a sign is the last, final & penultimate degree. It can carry the energy of finalization, death and releasing of a sign. In this case we have luna in the sign of Capricorn, so she is revealing to us what needs to be released within our social and communal structures. As with every death and rebirth the soul has complete sovereignty as to how to navigate the transition now that they've left their body. At this transformational juncture, some choose the same old behaviors, some choose a new and potentially uncomfortable or a fear facing path for transformation. This new moon reminds us that the latter is absolutely the empowered path!
As I write we are living in times of such powerful transformation. We are witnessing the world as we know it with new eyes. Seeing things in ways we have not seen before. This is beautiful. It can also be new and unsettling. As we wonder whether we are aptly prepared for this curious and transformational journey
I spoke in the podcast about a handful of aspects that are active in the chart for this new moon. I will offer a few more comments here in the bolg about the themes in the podcast: 1) Sun and Moon in Cancer: The super sensitive yet protected crab is the perfect time to be having downloads about the state of the 3d world in which we live. Cancer innately invites us into our sensitivities. 2) Sun and Moon Conjunct Venus in Cancer: Venus adds the invisible communication aspect to this new moon, as she is currently not visible in the night sky. This is the time when Venus is said to be communing wth the stars and preparing to reconnect with humanity later this month. You should be able to see her after sunset at the end of this month (around the 24th, depending on your horizon and light level). 3) Chiron squaring what feels like Everything: The centaur known for his ability to share healing wisdom and knowledge is squaring Pluto in Aquarius, the Sun, Moon, Sirius and Venus in Cancer, as well as Castor and Pollux, which are conjunct Venus. I want to share here about the aspect Chiron is making with Venus, Castor and Pullux. In Greek mythology Castor and Pollux (melodramatic music plays in the background) are the twin sons of the union of Leda Queen of Sparta and her husband the king of Tyndareus, but also fathered magically by Zeus himself. THey are the two bright stars in the Gemini constellation. And, as we've just left gemini season this message is coming in at the perfect time.The Greeks and Romans had many legends about the twins. Some tales are contradictory: this is not an uncommon occurrence in classical mythologies, and did not affect the veneration in which the twins were held. All the stories agreed that when Castor was killed, his bother Pollux, who had been offered immortality by Jupiter, insisted on sharing the gift with his brother. But the Fates of the underworld still needed to be appeased, so it was decreed that the twins had to spend the same time above ground as below. This possibly rings a bell with goddess Persephone, who also spent half her time below and half time above ground, with one of her overarching messages being the balance of light and dark. I offer here that Castor and Pollux, showing up to conjunct Venus tightly together are reminding us of the inherent balance of light and dark in the universe. As the goddess (in this case symbolized by Venus) awakens she is squaring Chiron to remind us of the bigger picture, that some of the collective wounds we are trying to heal are less our own and more within the collective consciousness.
4) Sun and Moon Conjunct Sirius: I will close this post by sharing an image of the relationship of Sirius with our Sun. The notion of Sirius being the most important star to ancient Egyptians, along with its importance to the Dogon tribe, suggests that there is more for us to learn and receive as a transmission from this star! The image at right suggests that not only do the Sun and Sirius have their own "binary relationship" via their orbit, but that this is perfectly in sync with what we know of the Hindu Yuga Cycles and/or The Great Year.
The Yuga Cycle says that there is a 24,000 year cycle of time with 12,000 years descending and 12,00 years ascending. The image at right outlines this concept, and I've made a video you can find on my youtube channel here and in the image below to offer some more information.
As with everything, take what resonates for you!
We have a full moon in Capricorn on June 21st, and we are invited to welcome in unity consciousness with the first of two successive full moons in the sign of Capricorn.
Capricorn has a bit of a bad rap of late, being that Pluto is in the final last minutiae of its excavation for transformation in this sign. Pluto is always about transformation, but Pluto on the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp at the anorectic degrees can feel particularly challenging, as what we know of Capricorn (and our understanding of "Capricornian sure-footedness") is changing. Everything we know is changing! In that vein I offer a quick unpacking and possible revising of two concepts in astrology: 1) Anaretic degrees: It is universally accepted among astrologers that the 29th degree is an anaretic degree. In The past this has been met with a lot of fear as it is the FINAL degree of a sign.. signifying death on a polarized scale (because this full moon is about realizations of our polarized thinking :) However it is worth noting that many astrologers also consider degrees 3, 2, 1, 29, 28, and 27 to be anaretic. This is because they are at the cusp of a sign change, so there is inevitably the experience of a (sometimes abrupt) shift in energy. This also means that when we live solely within linear time, we can experience some abrupt changes. It follows naturally that getting ourselves up and out of a sole existence within linear time constructs will help us move through times of transition. 2) Capricorn: Goat vs Sea Goat. When we visualize a sea goat we might think of a centaur who has a tail. But it is worth noting that instead of a man with goat feet, we have a goat with a mermaid tail. The sea goat is possibly reminding us that humans aren't even involved. (While no part of that image is human but I wonder whether it is somehow contained within.) Regardless of what it "means," the use of a tail for the sure footed mountain goat is an interesting energetic shift: no longer feet on rock laboring up the hill, but tail in water swimming along with horns of power. I did not have enough time or space to unpack this in the podcast but wanted to do so here. Tail in water has interesting implications for the energetic of our sure footed Capricornian understandings that are based on the past. As we are in the energy of this full moon, we are revising our understandings of Capricorn. We have been steeped in Pluto's transition from Capricorn into Aquarius, as it is a formative energetic of our time in 2024. This full moon invites us to revisit the healing magic and the strengths of Capricorn. Capricorn is sure footed, which means it supports us in being grounded. As a cardinal, feminine, earth sign Cap reminds us to send our roots down. To be deeply rooted into the earth as we endeavor to continue the process of rebirth and transformation. This full moon reminds us to be grounded and connected to who we truly are. The energetics of these times are such that anything is possible. Which reality do you choose?
It is interesting to consider, as Pluto prepares to enter and exit Capricorn in Nov 2024, never to return for 240+ years. That we have the Osireion in Egypt, a temple half submerged in water. Where Osiris himself would have his closed quarters.
Also that the Dogon tribe knows of amphibious beings as well. They understand that there are beings who are at least half amphibious and have high intelligence. So as we consider the Capricornian Sea Goat: a horned being that breathes air and swims in water, it might feel as if the new version of Capricorn is less the sure footed mountain goat and more the quasi aquatic invitation into unity consciousness: What if the health of our oceans matters? What if the health of our ecosystem matters? What if this planetary alignment for the full moon is a transmission about an upgraded experience of and understanding of Capricorn!
Finally I want to close with a concept that came through with this full moon, it is in the quote pictured at the beginning of this post:
Karma cannot be resolved on the same level that it was created. I mention in the podcast that we are supported in getting ourselves up and out of linear time and polarized thinking. These are just two of the themes we are exploring in the 2nd week of 6 week Karma Clearing Project(join us!)
This new moon boasts 11 planets and celestial bodies in the sign of Gemini. When we consider that most astrologers find it significant when there are 3 planets in the same sign. 3 planets is referred to as a "stellium," and is generally seen to indicate that we have a healthy dose of that sign's energy. We now have 11 (!!!) which prompted me in the podcast to use the word "super-stellium." I may or may not have made that up, but I was drawn to say it as to me, super-stellium conveys that something truly phenomenal is happening, that the energy of the sign is not only showing up, but it is surrounding us with its energy. In this case we have a super-stellium of Gemini energy!
Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. Mercury typically operates specifically in the physical/3D level. However because Uranus is active during this Gemini New Moon as well, it's important to consider that we're being ushered into understanding the power of our communication on all levels. Uranus being the higher octave of Mercury, Uranus reminding us that we are the high technology we seek, and that our energetic offerings create the world we live in. Gemini is a mutable sign, and thus able to pivot and adjust and shift without self-consciousness. Because Gemini is mutable air, the pivots and shifts have to do with our thoughts and belief systems. Gemini strength is to be able to explore, acknowledge and potentially integrate disparate energies. This is, as I offer in the podcast, is the precisely perfect anecdote for these times. The times we live in are such that we can all benefit from more communication and interpersonal conversation as compared to simply looking at the media. It's also worth noting that the shadow side of Gemini is confusion, static, and contradiction for its own sake. The light side of Gemini also allows for contradiction but does so because each individual has the right to truly change their perspective or their mind because they've received new information and gained deeper insight. We're focused in this podcast and on this meditation on the latter of course!
Gemini reminds us that we project and become what we consume. So we are all well situated to be mindful of what we give our attention to and to remember that every moment is an energetic opportunity to plant seeds for a bright future! To that end I am offering a final invitation to join me for the Karma Clearing Project. The six week course begins this Saturday June 8th and is designed to give you tools to clear yourself as needed as well as to clear Karma of family and ancestors. Ultimately we will be working on a global level to lighten the karma of the collective. The link to join us is here please feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions!
On May 23 we have a full moon in the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is known as the archer, often depicted as a centaur with bow and arrow pointing to new places and new visions. Sagittarius is a mutable sign which means the energy of this full moon is supporting us in being adaptable, and exploring new ways of being in our world. Greek mythology associates Sagittarius with the centaur Chiron, the learned healer whose higher intelligence forms a bridge between Earth and Heaven.
We also have Antares conjunct the Moon in Sagittarius. Antares is a fixed star, one of the four royal stars, known as the Heart of the Scorpion, as it sits in the middle of the Scorpius Constellation. It is, on average, the fifteenth-brightest star in the night sky. The name Antares means anti-Ares, or the rival of Mars. This is partly because of its similar color to the red planet, but also because Antares has a similar energetic vibration. Both Antares and Mars are fearless, confident, passionate, and bold, but can also be hot-tempered, irritable, and impulsive. Antares conjunct the Moon opposite the Sun can give this full moon a quality of intensity and potency, as if something has to give or needs to shift. Hence the perfect timing for full moon realizations about what needs to shift or realizations about shifts already beginning to take place. While the opposition of the Sun and Moon during a full moon is very predictable, the conjunction of the Sun and Sedna is (I would offer) the major event for this full moon. Sedna is a dwarf planet, discovered in 2003 orbiting beyond Pluto. Pluto is considered the planet of death/rebirth and transformation, it is considered a generational planet because its orbit of 273 years moves through the constellations (and astrological signs) so slowly that it creates lasting and once in a lifetime transformations. Sedna, in comparison, has an orbit of 11,400 years and can be seen as an even higher octave of Pluto. Sedna's impact is above and beyond the physical world and the laws of Karma as we know them via Pluto. While Pluto's version of Karmic transformation is traceable in the 3D world, Sedna's version of Karmic transformation is one of Karmic rebalancing on a universal level. Sedna exists above and beyond the 3D physical world, in the world of unity and interconnectedness. Sedna has no regard, and probably no perception, of human 3D created and 3D bound egoic/top-down "rules. Sedna's energetic sees the bigger picture and that alone. Singular stories of ignorance and fear are irrelevant as are individual stories and reasons for doing things. Sedna operates on the scale of oceans, species, earthquakes and tsunamis; whole systems, not single organs.
This full moon ultimately reminds us that we live in truly transformational times. Times of massive shifts away from fear and separation and towards the collective and unity consciousness. While it might not seem on the surface that we are making progress as a collective, beneath the surface we are invited to be a valuable part of the healing and rebalancing of our world. I am offering a mini workshop as a free preview of my upcoming course, the Karma Clearing Project on June 1st. Join my email list here to receive the link to join live at 11am on June 1st.
Hope to see you there!
The new moon in Taurus is exact at 8:21pm pacific time on May 7th, although we have likely been feeling this coming for the week before, and we will be working with these energies for the following 2-4 weeks.
I spend time in the podcast discussing the energetics, and want to offer some more insight here in the blog post about some major aspects present with the new moon: 1) This is a Super New Moon - Luna is extra close to earth, providing a more intense dose of her energy and adding intensity to the conjunction of Moon, Sun, Jupiter and Uranus. 2) The Jupiter Uranus conjunction being reactivated - inviting us to dream big for ourselves and to expand that vision to include the good of all during this Super New Moon. My suggestion is to feel into how your dreams and desires can serve the collective. You can find the recording of this gathering here. 3) Mars in Aries - adds a potent dose of courage, motivation and personal mission. Mars in Aries also reminds us that we are the change that we seek, and we will be well served to reflect on how we can take ownership of our lives and creative experiences. 4) Pluto stationing retrograde - reminds us that everything we experience as a part of this lunar cycle is also a part of larger cycles of time. We are encouraged to face fears, and release outdated patterns. The orbital cycle of Pluto is 248 years, with each transition from one sign to another marking a multi-generational shift. Pluto is in the final stages of exiting Capricorn and entering Aquarius this year, and this final retrograde from May 2 - October 11 signals the time to review and reorient ourselves and our vision according to the feedback the universe and world around us are offering.
I also want to invite you to join me for my upcoming course the Karma Clearing Project, which officially begins on June 8th. We will meet for 6 consecutive weeks and you will have course materials to work through each week. The intention is to explore methods for clearing our own Karma, that of our lineage, family and community and finish with a global healing project. You can find out more and sign up here.
April 2024 promises to be an intense and potent month.
With the solar eclipse energies from the new moon just two weeks ago we have the full moon in Scorpio on April 23rd, preceded by the Jupiter Uranus Conjunction on April 20th. Any one of these events can provide sufficient energy downloads for us to work with, all three of them provide a healthy dose of transformational energy. I want to share first a presentation about Haumea by Kalei Nuʻuhiwa at the 2012 Aha Wahine Conference. As mentioned in the podcast, Haumea is conjunct the Moon in Scorpio during the time of this full moon, reminding us that we exist both in as well as above and beyond this physical world. Kalei Nuʻuhiwa describes Haumea's presence and shares her traditions in terms of holding sacred space with women. You can find the video here: I also want to share a few thoughts on Goddess Kali. She has been written about since the dawn of time. Which is why I used the word "primordial" to describe her in the podcast. She's usually with black or dark blue skin, tongue hissing out of her mouth, skulls of babies around her neck, limbs of humans for her skirt... standing atop her divine male counterpart. Scary indeed. Atleast to those of us in the modern world who have been steeped in the image of a woman who looks like barbie and doesn't make any waves in the patriarchal waters. Kali embodies an aspect of the primordial goddess that has been forgotten/submerged/hidden. I offer it as a powerful remembrance that we live in a world that is far from binary (good vs. bad) and lead us through a meditation to welcome all aspects of the goddess within ourselves.
Finally, if you happen to find this before April 20, I will be offering a deep dive gathering for the Jupiter Uranus conjunction at 11am pacific time. Simply join my email list to receive the link to join live, I will also add this to my you tube channel.
AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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