The winds of change are coming! We are getting the first dose of Aquarius with the New Moon on January 24, 2020. Many of us who have been earnestly moving through and healing the areas of our lives that are in need to transformation already for some wind in our sails! Well, its time! The Aquarian soft breeze is beginning to blow.... and this wind will be picking up speed as we navigate the waters of 2020 (*see dates with significant Aquarian energies below)..
Aquarius is exactly what we need right now.. Aquarius is innovation with the Air Element.. which means we will be supported in new ways of thinking, seeing and knowing our world.. We will also be support in creating entirely new structures for ourselves and for our bright future... this can likely feel little unsettling as we dismantle the old structures we will need to let go of our "security blanket" of what we know.. But this Aquarius new moon promises us that if we stay true to or heart, our soul and our own inner knowing we will be supported in creating a new bright and beautiful world. Hopefully the makes you feel ready for new horizons, new information and new ways of Being!
Egyptian Goddess Ma'at also came through during the broadcast, as a guide and guardian for us in navigating the Aquarian energies and breezes of change and transformation. I want to share with you some images and information about this beautiful goddess so that you can connect with her.
*Important Aquarian Dates in 2020:
~ Sun & Moon Mercury in Aquarius January 24, this new moon is Square to Uranus ~ March Saturn in Aquarius until early July ~ Moon in Aquarius August 3, this full moon will provide energy to reap the benefits of everything we've sown for past 6 months since January 24 new moon... So the full moon January 24th is a good time to consider planting new seeds as we are considering which behaviors to shift and how we can shine more brightly for ourselves and others! ~ Saturn and Jupiter enter Aquarius December 21 .. Take note, this is a BIG DAY!
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AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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