On February 5th 2023 we have an absolutely beautiful full moon in the noble and loving sign of Leo. I discuss in the podcast that the astrology and energetics surrounding this full moon are quintessentially perfect to prepare us for the miraculous shifts to come in 2023. Some of the highlights include Pluto conjunct Altair and Mercury, which are excellent for seeing beneath the surface of the physical/3d world as well as holding the highest vision and version of reality in our minds eye.
When we can see clearly we are empowered to shift and move so as to continue optimally on our journey. As I like to say, clarity is everything!! The Mercury, Altair, Pluto conjunctions are absolutely supporting clarity. We also have Pluto conjunct Waldemath, also known as "Dark Moon Lilith." Waldemath, is an unproven second satellite of the earth, is technically very different from Black Moon Lilith and asteroid Lilith. However all of these celestial phenomena carry an energetic relationship with Goddess Lilith. Lilith has been discussed and debated at length by Jewish scholars and community members. While her name is not included in the creation story of the Torah, she appears in several Midrashic Texts. According to Jewish folklore legends, she was the first woman ever created. She and Adam came into existence at exactly the same time, both being shaped from the soil of the Earth. In contrast Eve, in the familiar story of Adam and Eve, who came into existence after Adam, as she was created from his rib. What's more interesting is how this first woman (I offer in the podcast that she is the embodiment of divine feminine energy) who came into existence at the same time as the first man (Adam embodying the divine masculine), turned into a baby eating demon. We might imagine the story tellers (at least the ones we are commonly aware of today) fashioning her in the way that suited their views and objectives. Surely there were other stories, which might have been conveniently forgotten. I have no proof of the above statement. I only offer that the reader should check in with how it feels to have the first woman, created in sync with the first man, become a monster to be feared, judged and either controlled or destroyed. The best part about this full moon is that we are basking in the noble fixed masculine feline energy of Leo while Pluto and Lilith are uniting to support us in remembering and embodying the divine feminine. I offer in the meditation for this full moon that they are equally and perfectly reminding us of our own inherently harmoniously balanced divine masculine and divine feminine energies.I hope that you enjoy the podcast!
1 Comment
2/5/2023 11:23:41 am
What a beautiful & empowering meditation! I did it close to the exact time of the full moon. Felt that perfect balance of the divine masculine & feminine. So powerful. Thank you Lisa🙏
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