To all women & men everywhere, Happy Mother's Day. I write to revisit, review and rename this holiday.. as Goddess Day, so as to claim the full power that it offers.
Mother's Day is the only main-stream western holiday that specifically honors women. This holiday presents the opportunity for us to create a lovely balance between our collective history which celebrates a host of achievements by men, because men have most recently been those who 'hold power' and rebalance the Goddess power. Masculine and feminine energies in balance are oh so powerful. So this holiday, sets in motion a collective celebration of women.. of birthing.. of cycles of time.. and intuition and inner knowings and workings that women naturally embody. Ultimately, in my offering here, it is the celebration of Goddess energy of birthing. Something that every woman embodies, and every man also already holds inside himself. As we head down the path of reorganizing our collective consciousness to focus energy towards restoration and connectedness, Goddesses *must* rise up, and Goddesses must remember. Men and Gods intuitively hold space and celebrate this somewhat occult and in the past secret power. But for men and women alike, this information is no longer occult or secret... it is within every human being.. this too is part of our birthright as a species. The women on our planet embody it is our DNA ..so it is at first blush in 3d easiest to see in women. Ultimately we realize that it is an aspect within every human being.. to claim your own full power is to connect with the Goddess energy. Guys, don't get too freaked out. There's a simple way to do this; connection to Momma Earth. Mother Earth is the ultimate 3d Goddess. She is the planet we call home, she miraculously supplies us with everything we need. Her beauty is vast and breathtaking. She is the one to whom we owe gratitude and blessings.. for supporting our every breath. And from here we extend this out to our own mothers, those to gave birth to us and all of those women who have supported us. Also to the men who have supported these women. You can start to feel the connectedness. That we are all One. We need each other and we support one another. To consider oneself an island is to cut oneself off from the flow of love that is coming from all directions in every moment. Back to mom's.. THANK YOU. For all that you do to support those you call your own, you have so much power. My hope one day is that you can truly realize and embody All of this power. Because it is sacred. Your role in supporting new life is sacred and it is my dream thane day you are able to fully embody all of this power. Giving birth is a miracle. To all women.. Rest firmly in your Goddess power. No matter whether you gave birth, you have the same power as every human being and you also hold the same wisdom and information of every women on this planet. Know that you are so very necessary. We need wise women even more than we need to increase our population on this Mother Earth. To all Men.. Thank you for supporting the women.. all women. Know that we are each ideally balanced in our divine masculine and feminine energies.. This time is a wonderful time to celebrate your ability to support women as well as to create! Together we can accomplish everything. Finally to Our Mother Earth and to the Divine Feminine: I honor you. Deep bow of gratitude for the air we breathe, the clean water we drink, the trees and plants that thrive off of your soil, the animals that roam majestically on your land. Deep connection to your core, Dear Mother, I can feel your heart pulse.. I live in sync with this pulse of energy and life. You are forever within my heart and I honor you.
I share below an extension of the first teaching and broadcast on the power of our heart center as a portal for sending and transforming energy.
Thank you for all of your feedback on the launch of YouTube. I will incorporate this feedback :)
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January 2025
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