September 23rd 2019 marks the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Vernal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. Regardless of where you are on our planet on this day, you will experience equal amounts of light and darkness... you will experience Balance. Balance of not only light and dark, but also masculine and feminine, outward and inward, sun and moon energies.
The equinox was a marker that many ancient monuments were built upon. Wether its the temple of Karnak in Egypt, Stonehenge, Chichen Itza or Much Pichu.. all of these places have alignments such that the sun rise and sets in a very specific position that is marked within the monument itself on this day. This tells us that there is profound energy available for centering, balancing, and aligning our own energy bodies at this time. I felt the nudge from spirit to offer a vocal toning activation in this broadcast. (Remember that it does not matter when you listen to this.. it might be far beyond September 23, the balancing energies are captured in the recording :) .. back to vocal toning.. as I felt within the collective that we have a huge wound to heal around us remembering the power of everything we speak, as well as us speaking and toning with natural empowerment. ![]()
I share a bit of my own story taking a singing class as an undergraduate at Stanford University in the broadcast, and use that as a venue to remind us the we are ALL born with vocal cords. In the very same way that we are all born "wired to use energy to heal".. we are all born able to use sound to create.
I use the tones mmhmm, ohm and ahh in the broadcast for specific purposes. Mmhmmm is a basic tone. We can all "hum" :) and I offer it as a way to experience sending healing and rebalancing energy to your own body. Not only to send it but to allow yourself to open up to feeling this "humming energy" within you and to receive it. Ohm is a primordial seed syllable. While there are several seed syllables, each is just one syllable. Ohm is the "mother" of them all as it connects us instantaneously to universal consciousness. I offer this tone to support us in remembering that we are always connected to everyone and everything. Ahhh is the tone fo the heart chakra. We use this tone to expand the light and field of our heart and to send healing to our mother earth. InJoy!
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AuthorLisa Marie Haley Archives
January 2025
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